Microsoft Dev Box is an Azure service that gives developers access to ready-to-code, project-specific dev boxes that are preconfigured and centrally managed. Support hybrid dev teams of any size with high-performance, cloud-based workstations, and let developers focus on writing code by streamlining access to the tools they need.
This repository contains the infra-as-code components to quickly scaffold a new Microsoft Dev Box environment.
Please note these artifacts are under development and subject to change.
Before deploying the Dev Box resources, update the parameters file src/parameters/main.bicepparam
./eng/ -s "{GUID}"
./eng/ -s "{GUID}"
To override the default parameters file, use the -p {FilePath}
./eng/deploy.ps1 -SubscriptionId "{GUID}"
./eng/delete.ps1 -SubscriptionId "{GUID}"
To override the default config file, use the -ConfigFile {FilePath}
Azure Active Directory - Application
- Navigate to the 'App Registration' blade wihin the Azure portal
- Select 'New registration' and provide a Name for the application
- Select the newly created application and select 'Certificates & secrets'
- Select 'Federated Credentials' and 'Add credential'
- Provide the 'Organization (username)' and Repository for the credential
- Select 'Entity type' - Branch and provide 'main'
- Repeat process for 'Entity type' - Pull Request
Azure Resource Manager - Role Assignment
- Navigate to the Subscription in the Azure portal
- Select 'Access control (IAM)' and 'Add' - 'Add role assignment'
- Select Role - Contributor and select 'Members'
- Provide the 'Name' of the application from the previous steps
GitHub Actions - Secrets
- Navigate to 'Settings' on the repository
- Select 'Secrets' and 'Actions' link
- Select 'New repository secret' and create secrets for the following:
After deploying the Azure resources, permission needs to be provided to allow users to access Dev Box.
Azure Resource Manager
- Navigate to the DevCenter Project resource in the Azure Portal
- Select 'Access control (IAM)' and 'Add' - 'Add role assignment'
- Select Role 'DevCenter Dev Box User' and select Members
- Provide the 'Name' of the User / Groups to allow access to the Dev Box portal
- Virtual Network
- Network Security Group
- Compute Gallery
- Managed Identity
- DevCenter
- DevCenter Network Connection
- DevCenter Definitions
- DevCenter Project
- DevCenter Pools