Game of Bulls and Cows on the terminal.
I'm writing this in the process of learning Clojure.
$ cd bulls-and-cows
$ lein run
Alternatively, call lein run
with any args to enter debug mode (ie lein run debug
). Debug mode prints the secret at the beginning of a game ;)
$ java -jar bulls-and-cows-0.1.0-standalone.jar [args]
$ lein run
Your guess? 1234
1 - 1234 - 0B 1C
Your guess? 5678
2 - 5678 - 1B 1C
Your guess? 9012
3 - 9012 - 1B 1C
Your guess? 1569
4 - 1569 - 0B 2C
Your guess? 2780
5 - 2780 - 2B 0C
Your guess? 5780
6 - 5780 - 3B 0C
Your guess? 5710
7 - 5710 - 4B 0C
You win!
Play again? y/n
Distributed under the MIT License.