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pyDictH5 is a lightweight framework and syntax for working with compound data composed primarily of NumPy arrays. pyDictH5 utilizes h5py to provide efficient file I/O in a transparent and standardized format. pyDictH5 uses a standardized syntax for working with arrays of data that are related in simple to complex ways.

The primary pyDictH5 data structure,, has the following key benefits:

  1. Under the hood objects are essentially Python dict's, with most of the dict functionality preserved.
  2. The keys in objects can be accessed as attributes. This makes the pyDictH5 source lightweight and powerful. The lightweight source of objects makes sub-classing them simple, so that you can implement your own methods for the needs of your data.
  3. A standardized syntax and file format that is similar to Matlab's 'struct'.

pyDictH5 is meant for NumPy users who:

  1. Want standardized data (object) file I/O.
  2. Frequently utilize N-dimensional data (i.e. find Pandas DataFrames inadequate),
  3. Want a set of unique, simple NumPy arrays for working with data (rather than NumPy recarrays, which are compound data types of their own),

Data Model

pyDictH5 is designed for use by amateur to advanced developers and data analysts who want a simple interface for handling N-dimensional data that reduces the burden of reading/writing data from/to hdf5 files. It is designed to be lightweight and extensible, as opposed to multi-purpose and high-level.

pyDictH5 provides a set of simple base classes that each provide unique functionality that is believed to be useful by many users. These base classes are meant to be used as parent classes for (inherited from) -- or used to compose -- higher-level data classes.

How is pyDictH5 different from Pandas? ------------------------------------

Pandas is great! It provides a suite of flexible and powerful tools for handling and analyzing 2-dimensional data (i.e. tabular, spreadsheet-like data). However, if your data is N-dimensional and/or contains data of mixed size and dimensions, pyDictH5 may be better suited for your needs. In contrast to Pandas, pyDictH5 does not provide high-level interfaces to plotting or other statistical analysis tools. Instead, it provides a consistent data and I/O structure, and assumes users will build the higher functionality where it is needed. A primary advantage of this, compared to Pandas, is that data is not coerced toward 2 dimensiones (DataFrames).

Why use pyDictH5 vs. Pickle? --------------------------

ADD TEXT: pyDictH5 (hdf5 I/O via h5py) is faster for large arrays...


pyDictH5 was built so that constructing data and performing I/O is done behind the scenes, so that users can focus on their data, rather than spending time implementing I/O:

>>> import pyDictH5 as pcd
>>> import numpy as np

Initialize a data object my_dat:

>>>  my_dat =

Set my_dat's data:

>>> my_dat['x'] = np.linspace(0, 1, 3)
>>> my_dat['y'] = np.linspace(0, 2, 5)

# Write the data to disk
>>> my_dat.to_hdf5('my_data.h5')

# Reload the data
>>> my_dat_copy = pcd.load('my_data.h5')

# The data attributes can be accessed using 'attribute references'
>>> my_dat_copy.x == my_dat.x

Data items can also be added and retrieved by attribute assignment:

>>> my_dat.time = np.arange(0, 1000, 0.1)
>>> t0 = my_dat.time[0]

Note, however, that these attributes are actually references to the dictionary. This means that they will not be an attribute of the data object (FIX THIS?), but are a member of it:

>>> hasattr(my_dat, 'time')
>>> 'time' in my_dat

Temporary Attributes

Sometimes it is useful to have temporary attributes associated with a data object, that are not stored in the output file. To provide this functionality, attributes with a leading '_' in the name are not added to the dictionary, and are attributes of the data object:

>>> my_dat._tmp = np.arange(5)
>>> hasattr(my_dat, '_tmp')
>>> '_tmp' in my_dat

If you want to store data items (non-temporary) with leading '_', you must assign them as keys:

>>> my_dat['_not_tmp'] = np.arange(5)
>>> my_dat.to_hdf5('my_data.h5')
>>> my_dat_copy = pcd.load('my_data.h5')
>>> '_not_tmp' in my_dat_copy
>>> '_tmp' in my_dat_copy

Note that the '_tmp' attribute is lost when the data is reloaded:

>>> hasattr(my_dat_copy, '_tmp')

Sub-data objects

It is also often useful to be able to store data objects as sub-objects of other data objects. pyDictH5 can do this too:

>>> vel_dat['subobj'] =
>>> vel_dat['subobj']['velocity'] = np.arange(10)
>>> vel_dat['subobj']['velocity'][3:6] = 4

I/O of these 'compound' data objects are read and written to hdf5 files transparently (as hdf5 groups):

>>> vel_dat.to_hdf5('vel_data.h5')
>>> vel_dat_copy = pcd.load('vel_data.h5')
>>> 'subobj' in vel_dat_copy
>>> 'velocity' in vel_dat_copy['subobj']

Sub-data objects can also be accessed and created using attribute reference:

>>> vel_dat.subobj2 =
>>> vel_dat.subobj2.velocity2 = vel_dat.subobj.velocity ** 2

It is also possible to access sub-groups and items using dot-group key-references like this:

>>> print vel_dat['subobj2.velocity2']
[ 0  1  4 16 16 16 36 49 64 81]

This is useful for iterating through the group using the walk function:

>>> for key in vel_dat.walk():
...    print key, vel_dat[key][2]
subobj.velocity 2
subobj2.velocity2 4

You can also test whether an item in a sub-group exists using key-references:

>>> 'subobj.velocity' in vel_dat
>>> 'subobj2.velocity2' in vel_dat
>>> 'subobj2.junk' in vel_dat

NumPy object arrays

pyDictH5 supports NumPy object-array writing (currently this is not natively supported by h5py). This is implemented by pickleing each object of the array, then writing the pickle-strings into hdf5 varlen arrays:

>>> my_dat['obj_arr'] = np.zeros(5, dtype='O')
>>> my_dat['obj_arr'][1] = np.arange(3)
>>> my_dat['obj_arr'][3] = {'dog': 'spot', 'cat': 'ruffus', 'one': 1}

Note that this means that you may not want to store large NumPy arrays inside of NumPy object arrays because many of hdf5 performance advantages (compared to pickle) will be lost.

Indexing and Appending Data

The pcd.flat class provides simple functionality for accessing data, and combining data sets. For example, assume we define:

>>> timedat = pcd.flat()
>>> timedat['time'] = np.arange(10)
>>> timedat['velocity'] = np.arange(40, 50)
>>> timedat['accel'] = np.ones(10)

Then we can sub-index the entire data-object by simply doing:

>>> sub_timedat = timedat[1:6]
>>> print(sub_timedat.time, sub_timedat.velocity)
(array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), array([41, 42, 43, 44, 45]))

You can also combine datasets using pcd.flat.append:

>>> timedat1 = pcd.flat()
>>> timedat1['time'] = np.arange(10, 30)
>>> timedat1['velocity'] = np.arange(40, 80, 2)
>>> timedat1['accel'] = 2 * np.ones(20)

These two data object can be concatenated by simply doing:

>>> timedat.append(timedat1)
>>> print(timedat.time)
[0, 1, 2, ... 28, 29]

The object does simple concatenating along the first (0) axis of all arrays. It does no checking to make sure the data is the same size in this dimension, so if you have data of different lengths in a single data object, you may get unexpected results.


A key feature of pyDictH5 is the ability to subclass the class. For example, if we create a module that contains:

import pyDictH5 as pcd
import numpy as np

class my_data(

    def xymesh(self, ):
        return np.meshgrid(self['x'], self['y'])

We can initialize and populate this data type, and utilize the xymesh method:

>>> import my_data_module as mdm
>>> my_dat2 = mdm.my_data()

>>> my_dat2['x'] = np.linspace(0, 1, 3)
>>> my_dat2['y'] = np.linspace(1, 2, 5)
>>> xgrid, ygrid = my_dat2.xymesh()
>>> print(xgrid)
[[ 0.   0.5  1. ]
 [ 0.   0.5  1. ]
 [ 0.   0.5  1. ]
 [ 0.   0.5  1. ]
 [ 0.   0.5  1. ]]

A major advantage of sub-classing is that, so long as the subclass is available consistently between write and read, the dtype is preserved. This is why it is useful to define sub-classes in modules (or packages) of their own. Then, so long as those modules or packages are on the Python path, pyDictH5 will import and utilize those classes transparently. For example, if the my_data class is defined in a, the class will be preserved:

>>> my_dat2.to_hdf5('my_data2.h5')
>>> my_dat2_copy = pcd.load('my_data2.h5')
>>> my_dat2_copy.__class__

So that we can still do:

>>> xgrid, ygrid = my_dat2_copy.xymesh()

Furthermore, if we add or modify our sub-classes these changes will be available when we load the data. For example, assume we change our my_data class to be:

class my_data(

    # Here we redefine xymesh to be a property and use __xymesh to cache it.
    def xymesh(self, ):
        if not hasattr(self, '__xymesh'):
            self.__xymesh = np.meshgrid(self['x'], self['y'])
        return self.__xymesh

    def distance(self, x, y):
        Calculate the distance between the point `x`,`y`, and all of
        the points in the grid.
        xg, yg = self.xymesh  # xymesh is now a property
        return np.sqrt((xg - x) ** 2 + (yg - y) ** 2)

Now, in a new Python interpreter - so that our module reloads - we can do:

>>> mydat2 = pcd.load('my_data2.h5')
>>> dist = mydat2.distance(0, 0.5)
>>> print(dist)
[[ 0.5         0.70710678  1.11803399]
 [ 0.          0.5         1.        ]
 [ 0.5         0.70710678  1.11803399]
 [ 1.          1.11803399  1.41421356]
 [ 1.5         1.58113883  1.80277564]]

Is that cool, or what?!

Caveats (gotchas)

String keys only

In standard Python dictionaries, dictionary keys can be any immutable object. pyDictH5 -- in order to allow for attribute reference, and transparent I/O to hdf5, restricts the dictionary keys to be strings:

>>> my_dat[0] = np.arange(10)
IndexError: <class ''> objects only support string indexes.
>>> my_dat['0'] = np.arange(10)
>>> '0' in my_dat


Standardized compound data structures for Python.







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