主要功能是辅助分析 VMProtect 等虚拟化保护代码。
自用二进制分析工具,代码渣,许多功能尚在开发中。离完全自动化分析 VMP 还很远。
- 使用 Pin 插装运行,记录 trace,离线分析
- 构造执行基本块图
- 使用 Miasm 对基本块进行符号执行。
- 下载 pin-3.2-81205-msvc-windows
- 将 repo 中的文件编译成 pintool。(编译过程参考Pin文档)
# 配置 VS 命令行编译环境 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x86 # 开始编译 make all TARGET=ia32
- 安装 Miasm
- 可直接将 miasm2 文件夹 copy 到 C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\miasm2
- 配置
中的各项值。- EXE_PATH 分析的文件
- START_ADDR VM 入口地址 0x401000
- END_ADDR VM 出口地址
- 其他主要是各类文件路径
- 运行
- 查看 html 的报告
本工具主要是用来交互使用的,使用 ipython 加载并交互运行。
D:\papers\pin\pin-3.2-81205-msvc-windows\source\tools\MyPinTool (master)
λ ipython -i py\main.py
Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec 5 2015, 20:40:30) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
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? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help -> Python's own help system.
object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.
[*] Target: C:\Users\Moon\Desktop\vmp1.81\test.vmp_2.13.8_pro.exe
----- STEP 1 -----
[*] Running PinTool ...
[*] Pin instrument finished.
----- STEP 2 -----
[*] Loading instructions from D:\papers\pin\pin-3.2-81205-msvc-windows\source\tools\MyPinTool\py\work\bin.ins
[+] 618 instructions loaded.
[*] Running load_ins_info(): 0.0100 seconds
----- STEP 3 -----
[*] Loading traces from D:\papers\pin\pin-3.2-81205-msvc-windows\source\tools\MyPinTool\py\work\bin.trace
[+] 14327 traces processed.
[*] Running load_trace(): 0.4880 seconds
----- STEP 4 -----
[*] Constructing execution graph ...
[+] Before consolidation: 600
[+] After consolidation: 20
[*] Execution graph constructed.
[*] Running consolidate_blocks(): 0.0100 seconds
----- STEP 5 -----
[+] Dispatcher found at 0x40435f.
[+] 14 handlers found.
----- STEP 6 -----
[*] Generating report ....
[*] Report generated.
In [1]: bm.blocks
{4198400: <Block(0x401000 - 0x404347) INS(86) PREV(0) NEXT(1) EXEC(1) LOOP(0)>,
4210979: <Block(0x404123 - 0x405381) INS(12) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(6) LOOP(0)>,
4211239: <Block(0x404227 - 0x4043fa) INS(12) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(6) LOOP(0)>,
4211529: <Block(0x404349 - 0x40435c) INS(9) PREV(2) NEXT(1) EXEC(2) LOOP(1)>,
4211551: <Block(0x40435f - 0x404224) INS(41) PREV(9) NEXT(16) EXEC(173) LOOP(14)>,
4211779: <Block(0x404443 - 0x4047a2) INS(43) PREV(1) NEXT(0) EXEC(1) LOOP(0)>,
4212056: <Block(0x404558 - 0x405b64) INS(13) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(1) LOOP(0)>,
4212179: <Block(0x4045d3 - 0x404846) INS(31) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(20) LOOP(0)>,
4212365: <Block(0x40468d - 0x4051a7) INS(21) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(7) LOOP(0)>,
4212466: <Block(0x4046f2 - 0x404a90) INS(41) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(1) LOOP(0)>,
4213055: <Block(0x40493f - 0x405bef) INS(36) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(1) LOOP(0)>,
4213547: <Block(0x404b2b - 0x40591e) INS(42) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(13) LOOP(0)>,
4213612: <Block(0x404b6c - 0x40532d) INS(38) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(4) LOOP(0)>,
4216384: <Block(0x405640 - 0x404b98) INS(14) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(1) LOOP(0)>,
4216910: <Block(0x40584e - 0x4056c0) INS(41) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(66) LOOP(0)>,
4216915: <Block(0x405853 - 0x405877) INS(15) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(1) LOOP(0)>,
4216961: <Block(0x405881 - 0x40566f) INS(13) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(1) LOOP(0)>,
4217003: <Block(0x4058ab - 0x404720) INS(38) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(43) LOOP(0)>,
4217252: <Block(0x4059a4 - 0x405b77) INS(14) PREV(7) NEXT(1) EXEC(69) LOOP(0)>,
4217620: <Block(0x405b14 - 0x405b0f) INS(40) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(1) LOOP(0)>}
In [2]: b = bm.blocks[4211551]
In [3]: print b
Block(0x40435f - 0x404224) SIZE(127) INS(41) EXEC(173) LOOP(14)
Prev (9):
Next (16):
0x40435f lea edx, ptr [edx*8-0x7525bb7f]
0x404366 mov al, byte ptr [esi-0x1]
0x404369 inc dl
0x40436b setns dh
0x40436e dec esi
0x40436f sub edx, 0x9ec1cfd2
0x404375 cmp dl, 0xea
0x404378 rcl dl, 0x7
0x40437b sub al, bl
0x40437d dec dl
0x40437f push esi
0x404380 call 0x4041ce
0x4041ce pop edx
0x4041cf dec al
0x4041d1 rcl dh, cl
0x4041d3 sar edx, cl
0x4041d5 or dl, ch
0x4041d7 xor al, 0xcd
0x4041d9 lea edx, ptr [ebx*8-0xcbcbf63]
0x4041e0 sar dx, cl
0x4041e3 rcr edx, 0x10
0x4041e6 rol dx, cl
0x4041e9 sub al, 0x23
0x4041eb shl dl, cl
0x4041ed bsr dx, dx
0x4041f1 bt bx, 0x9
0x4041f6 sub bl, al
0x4041f8 rcl dh, 0x4
0x4041fb movzx eax, al
0x4041fe pushad
0x4041ff mov edx, dword ptr [eax*4+0x404cf8]
0x404206 cmc
0x404207 sub edx, 0x1aadee33
0x40420d mov byte ptr [esp+0x8], 0x28
0x404212 pushad
0x404213 mov dword ptr [esp+0x40], edx
0x404217 pushfd
0x404218 mov byte ptr [esp+0x4], ch
0x40421c push dword ptr [esp+0x8]
0x404220 push dword ptr [esp+0x48]
0x404224 ret 0x4c
In [4]: bm.handlers
{4210979: <Handler_404123>,
4211239: <Handler_404227>,
4212056: <Handler_404558>,
4212179: <Handler_4045d3>,
4212365: <Handler_40468d>,
4212466: <Handler_4046f2>,
4213055: <Handler_40493f>,
4213547: <Handler_404b2b>,
4213612: <Handler_404b6c>,
4216384: <Handler_405640>,
4216910: <Handler_40584e>,
4216915: <Handler_405853>,
4217003: <Handler_4058ab>,
4217620: <Handler_405b14>}
In [6]: h = bm.handlers[0x404227]
In [7]: print h
Handler_404227(0x404227) 1 blocks
<Block(0x404227 - 0x4043fa) INS(12) PREV(1) NEXT(1) EXEC(6) LOOP(0)>
In [9]: print h.ins_str_with_trace
0x404227 test cl, dl ; edx->0x27 ecx->0x15
0x404229 lahf ; eax<-0x6
0x40422a mov eax, ebp ; ebp->0x19ff6c eax<-0x19ff6c
0x40422c pushfd ; esp->0x19fe8c esp<-0x19fe88 [0x19fe88]<-0x206
0x40422d push 0x25f38222 ; esp->0x19fe88 esp<-0x19fe84 [0x19fe84]<-0x25f38222
0x404232 sub ebp, 0x4 ; ebp->0x19ff6c ebp<-0x19ff68
0x404235 jmp 0x4043f1 ;
0x4043f1 pushfd ; esp->0x19fe84 esp<-0x19fe80 [0x19fe80]<-0x202
0x4043f2 mov dword ptr [ebp], eax ; eax->0x19ff6c ebp->0x19ff68 [0x19ff68]<-0x19ff6c
0x4043f5 pushfd ; esp->0x19fe80 esp<-0x19fe7c [0x19fe7c]<-0x202
0x4043f6 lea esp, ptr [esp+0x10] ; esp->0x19fe7c esp<-0x19fe8c
0x4043fa jmp 0x4059a4 ;
In [16]: print h.to_expr()
EBP = EBP_init + 0xFFFFFFFC;
@32[EBP_init + 0xFFFFFFFC] = EBP_init;
In [17]: print h.to_c()
EBP = (EBP_init) + (0xfffffffc);
*(uint32_t *)((EBP_init) + (0xfffffffc)) = EBP_init;