A Utils Library for my other Projects
Add it as implementation to your build.gradle.
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'de.linusdev:lutils:1.1.3'
- LLinkedList: A thread safe linked list
- SGR: ANSI "Select Graphic Rendition" control sequence
- Color: Color class (RGBA and HSVA)
- Bitfield: Bitfield classes
- Async Framework: Async classes
- Structure: classes to create C-structures in Java
- VMath: Vector and matrix math. Buffer backed or array backed.
- HTTP: HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse, Header and more.
- Code Generator: Generate Java Code. WIP!
- Replacement for nio.DirectByteBuffer:
- DirectByteBuffer.allocatedDirect() is slow and bad for GC: see https://blog.lwjgl.org/memory-management-in-lwjgl-3/
- Replace it with a custom buffer, which uses Unsafe for allocation
- Middleware interface between the buffer and Unsafe, so Unsafe could be easily replaced with native functions, that call malloc and free.