An Insomnia REST client collection for calling Lob API endpoints.
Follow these steps to quickly get up and running with the Lob API and Insomnia.
Visit Insomnia and download the desktop client.
Create an account at
Login to Lob dashboard and navigate to Settings.
Click on the API Keys tab. Look at your Secret and Publishable API Keys. You'll use the test_*. for your Test API key and live_*. for your Live API key.
Click Create in the Insomnia app and choose file.
Locate either lob-insomnia-1.0.0.json
or lob-insomnia-1.0.0.yaml
in your file system and then click Import.
Get the test API key from Settings in Lob.
Go to the environment dropdown in Insomnia desktop and select Manage Environments
Paste your Lob Test API key as the value for httpUsername
in your OpenAPI env and click Done.
A good place to start it to Create
one or more addresses and List
the addresses. Other endpoints will use the address id returned from the List
You'll also want to Create
one or more templates and List
the templates prior to exploring Postcards and Self-mailers.
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Watch this space
Video tutorial on setting up Insomnia
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Blogpost on setting up Insomnia
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