gobot is a Simple chatbot written in golang
Initail work based on: https://github.com/mattn/go-xmpp/blob/master/example/example.go
gobot is under active development, the api may change w/out warning.
By itself, gobot just sits and listens for incoming messages. When a message is received, gobot passes the message on to any number of plugins. The plugins provide all the features of the chatbot.
First, you'll need to have golang installed: http://golang.org/doc/install
Then, once that is working, all you need to do is:
$ go get github.com/gabeguz/gobot/cmd/gobot
gobot supports both slack and XMPP (jabber).
To connect to slack you'll need an API token, directions for getting one can be found at https://api.slack.com/bot-users aside from that, pick a name for your bot and enter the room you would like your bot to join.
$ gobot -protocol=slack -user=herman -pass=<slack api token> -room=bottest -name=herman
For xmpp you need a few extra bits of information. The hostname with port, the abber user, the users password, and the full address to the MUC you'd like the bot to join:
$ gobot -protocol=xmpp -host="jabber.my.domain:5222" -user="gabe@jabber.my.domain" -pass="hunter2" -room="#gobottest@conference.jabber.my.domain" -name="gobot"
Creating a plugin is pretty easy, you just need to import the gobot library:
import (
And then implement 2 exported methods so that you conform to the bot.Plugin interface:
type MyPlugin struct {}
func (p MyPlugin) Name() string {
return "MyPlugin v1.0"
func (p MyPlugin) Execute(msg bot.Message, bot bot.Bot) error {
if msg.From() != bot.FullName() {
bot.Send("Why, hello!")
return nil
One last step, edit gobot/cmd/main.go and add a call to your new plugin to the []gb.Plugin slice:
plugins := []gb.Plugin{
and import the code in the import
statement at the top of the file.
Finally, reinstall gobot $ cd $GOPATH/src/github/gabeguz/gobot/cmd && go install ./...