A PixelArt generator web app built using CSS Grid and JavaScript. The app allows you to select a color and generate a NxN grid of squares, each with a unique shade of the selected color. Check it here - https://lordbakyarou.github.io/PixelArt-Drawing-Board/
- Interactive color picker with support for all major web browsers
- Range sliders for adjusting grid size and square size
- Real-time preview of color and grid changes
- Responsive layout that adapts to different screen sizes
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/lordbakyarou/PixelArt-Drawing-Board.git
- Open
in your web browser to launch the app.
- Select a color using the color picker.
- Use the "Grid Size" and "Square Size" sliders to adjust the grid and square dimensions.
- Click the "Generate Grid" button to generate the grid with the current settings.
- Hover over a square to see its RGB color value.
- Use Save Drawing feature to save your beautiful PixelArt and download as PNG.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - feel free to use, modify and distribute the code for any purpose.