This is an attempt to target the specific EFL learner need of being able to revise articles (a/an/the) in writing. It uses real-time data from the Twitter Search API, stripping the articles and asking the user to select the original article.
Clone the repo and create a file named .env
in the same
directory. Put your Twitter credentials in this file in the
following format, substituting the values you get after you
sign up here:
You'll also need to ensure that Docker is installed on your machine, as well as Docker Compose. This site has some instructions on how to do that. Just google if you get stuck.
(Note: I decided to go with Docker Compose, mostly to enable
the easy inclusion of the .env
file instead of needing to
pass the credentials to the container at run time from the
command line.)
Once that's all sorted, just run
docker-compose up
and you should see a bunch of console output, ending in:
antweet_1 |
antweet_1 | > antweet@0.0.2 start /app
antweet_1 | > node app.js
antweet_1 |
antweet_1 | app listening at 3001
to test it, either go to localhost:3001/?term=docker&count=5
in your
system browser, or curl localhost:3001/?term=rocks&count=5
the output is a simple JSON structure as follows:
"tweetResults": [
"@channingwalton @YuvalItzchakov @Storakatten @pedrofurla I understand that people are still attracted to the JVM, b\u2026",
"@hasssaaannn @AzureDevOps @SQLServer If the database is simple you can use Otherwise docke\u2026",
"@nrambeck I only use Docker these days. I have a docker-compose.yml with an .env file that lets me easily setup a n\u2026",
"Are you interested in the architectural design of Kata Containers, an easy installation using a Docker runtime envi\u2026",
"@alecthegeek I\u2019m a docker noob :-) That is, I\u2019ve used it to the extent of following guides and figuring things out\u2026"