Run local hardhat node
npx hardhat node
Run the following command to deploy faucet on localhost
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
Copy the contract address printed to console and replace the already existing address in
with it.
- Create a file by name
inside the root directory of this project. Paste the following lines inside this .env file
with API key created using Alchemy -
with private key obtained by following these steps- Click on metamask plugin icon in the browser
- Select
Account details
- Click
Export Private Key
button and confirm your password
Run the following command to deploy faucet on rinkeby network
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
Copy the contract address printed to console and replace the already existing address in
with it.
Note: You can skip the contract deployment steps and by default the setup would use an already deployed contract.
Install dependencies
npm install
Run app
npm start
Connect to the appropriate network using Hardhat console command
npx hardhat console --network rinkeby
Get balance
$ let bal = await ethers.provider.getBalance("CONTRACT_ADDR"); $ bal
Convert balance to ethers
$ ethers.utils.formatEther(bal);