Playground for Metrics (prometheus, grafana) and Logging (promtail, loki and grafana)
Modify prometheus.yml scrape config
Create docker network (optional)
docker network create neo4jnetwork
-e NEO4J_metrics_prometheus_enabled=true \
-e NEO4J_metrics_prometheus_endpoint= \
Or in neo4j conf:
Remark: Node and relationship counts are not enabled by default, add with:
Remark: for neo4j 5.x use:
docker-compose -f monitoring-compose.yml up
Navigate to localhost:3000
- Default user/pass: admin/admin
- Import dashboard_5.json (for metics dashboard)
- Import querydashboard_5.json (for query log dashboard)
docker compose -f cluster-compose.yml up
Enable all servers from cypher shell
show servers;
enable server "uuid";
enable server "uuid";
Create a demo database with topology
create database demo topology 3 primaries 2 secondaries;
docker run --network neo4jnetwork -p 8080:8080 -p 5900:5900 msjpq/firefox-vnc
connect with remote ripple or some other vnc client
Setting up the database with 1 primary and 1 secondary
show servers yield serverId, name, address return *;
| serverId | name | address |
| "320a3c06-59da-47dc-8eaf-e69b6618e5c5" | "320a3c06-59da-47dc-8eaf-e69b6618e5c5" | "neo4j-server-5:7687" |
| "353d7a95-72eb-4edb-8cc7-212a01ac8e24" | "353d7a95-72eb-4edb-8cc7-212a01ac8e24" | "neo4j-server-4:7687" |
| "66b2e876-db14-4753-b451-2428f14aa1c1" | "66b2e876-db14-4753-b451-2428f14aa1c1" | "neo4j-server-1:7687" |
| "9079b113-c5f0-4886-8ab5-d10dea8875f5" | "9079b113-c5f0-4886-8ab5-d10dea8875f5" | "neo4j-server-3:7687" |
| "fa52a014-9fb3-49a2-8c63-9e7ac64f948f" | "fa52a014-9fb3-49a2-8c63-9e7ac64f948f" | "neo4j-server-2:7687" |
RENAME SERVER '320a3c06-59da-47dc-8eaf-e69b6618e5c5' TO 'neo4j-server-5';
RENAME SERVER '353d7a95-72eb-4edb-8cc7-212a01ac8e24' TO 'neo4j-server-4';
RENAME SERVER '66b2e876-db14-4753-b451-2428f14aa1c1' TO 'neo4j-server-1';
RENAME SERVER '9079b113-c5f0-4886-8ab5-d10dea8875f5' TO 'neo4j-server-3';
RENAME SERVER 'fa52a014-9fb3-49a2-8c63-9e7ac64f948f' TO 'neo4j-server-2';
// I want my demo database to be on server 1 as primary and server 5 as secondary (GDS)
ALTER SERVER 'neo4j-server-2' SET OPTIONS {deniedDatabases:['demo']};
ALTER SERVER 'neo4j-server-3' SET OPTIONS {deniedDatabases:['demo']};
ALTER SERVER 'neo4j-server-4' SET OPTIONS {deniedDatabases:['demo']};
create database demo topology 1 primary 1 secondary;
Generate some data and run gds:
create (:Element{name:"Service 1"})<-[:LINK]-(:Element{name:"LB"})-[:LINK]->(:Element{name:"Service 2"});
// connect with bolt to server 5:
// cypher-shell -a bolt://neo4j-server-5:7687 -d demo
// cypher-shell -a neo4j://neo4j-server-5:7687?tags=gds -d demo
call gds.graph.project('g1','*','*');
call gds.pageRank.write('g1', {writeProperty: 'pagerank'});
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=neo4j
docker build -f Neo4j.dockerfile -t neo4jcustom:v01 .
# deploy server1.yaml with:
helm install neo4j-test neo4j/neo4j --namespace neo4j -f server1.yaml
kubectl create namespace monitoring
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=monitoring
Create config map and deployment for Prometheus
kubectl create -f prometheus-config-map.yaml
kubectl create -f prometheus-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f prometheus-service.yaml --namespace=monitoring
Clean up
kubectl delete -f prometheus-config-map.yaml
kubectl delete -f prometheus-deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f prometheus-service.yaml --namespace=monitoring
Port forward to access Prometheus Useful for debugging, service can also be accessed on http://localhost:30000/
port-forward prometheus...[check pod name] 8080:9090 -n monitoring
Use helm chart to deploy loki (promtail disabled)
helm repo add grafana
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install --values loki-values.yaml loki grafana/loki-stack -n monitoring
For now, add to neo4j namespace so we can access log volumes
kubectl create -f promtail-config-map.yaml --namespace=neo4j
kubectl create -f promtail-deployment.yaml --namespace=neo4j
Clean up
kubectl delete -f promtail-config-map.yaml --namespace=neo4j
kubectl delete -f promtail-deployment.yaml --namespace=neo4j
Create config map and deployment for Grafana (still in monitoring namespace)
kubectl create -f grafana-config-map.yaml
kubectl create -f grafana-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f grafana-service.yaml --namespace=monitoring
Clean up
kubectl delete -f grafana-config-map.yaml
kubectl delete -f grafana-deployment.yaml
kubectl delete -f grafana-service.yaml --namespace=monitoring