A portfolio project which consolidates data from the Easton gyms in the Denver area, and allows a user to search classes at all gyms at once.
The user can retrieve data from all Easton gyms, have it stored locally, and search class names and instructors. Enter the easton_scraper_py folder, then the commands below can be entered.
Example commands:
- To retrieve data from all gyms for today, just run the program without parameters:
python3 scraper.py
- To load from disk after running the above command:
python3 scraper.py --load
- To print tomorrow's classes:
python3 scraper.py --tomorrow
- To print classes for next Saturday
python3 scraper.py --weekday=saturday
- To print the Denver schedule for the week:
python3 scraper.py --gym=denver --days=7
- To do the same, but load from disk after running above command and exclude children's classes:
python3 scraper.py --load --gym=denver --days=7 --not=tiger
- To search for intermediate muay thai classes for this week at all gyms:
python3 scraper.py --days=7 --and="muay thai" --and=int
- To search for BJJ and randori classes today:
python3 scraper.py --or=bjj --or=randori --or=roll
- To delete classes that are over from disk:
python3 scraper.py --delete
Python 3.7.4 or greater must be installed. Other requirements are in requirements.txt. To install, run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Or if using a virtual environment, in the base folder (make sure python3 is 3.7.4 or greater):
python3 -m venv env
pip install -r requirements.txt
Or just use the pipfile:
pip3 install pipenv
pipenv run python scraper.py
If running unit tests:
pip3 install mock
This program was written in and run on Linux Mint (Ubuntu), but should work for any system with Python 3 installed, provided the equivalent installations are performed on the system.
To run unit tests, enter the following commands:
- In the folder with scraper.py:
- To run the tests, in the base repository folder:
python3 -m unittest discover -v
- Use async.io for data retrieval
- Turn it into a webpage
- Add a GUI
- Add an actual database
- Do more testing, especially around the internet data retrieval and local data retrieval functions