This project is to demonstrate how to build a live broadcast app. It include these features:
- Create a room to broadcast your live stream
- Join a room to watch the live
- Send likes, gifts, and comments
- RTMP server - Nginx RTMP module(
- WebSocket server -
- iOS client - LFLiveKit( to push stream, IJKPlayer( to play stream
You need to can set up your own rtmp server, the guidance can be found here:
Just go to the live-server
folder, run npm install
, then start the server by node app.js
Go to the live-ios
folder, run pod install
(must use cocoapods 0.39.0)
In Config.swift, update the server url:
struct Config {
static var rtmpPushUrl = "rtmp://"
static var rtmpPlayUrl = "rtmp://"
static var serverUrl = ""
The app can also run on a simulator, but to broadcast, you need to run it on a real device.
The basic live streaming flow is:
broadcaster -> rtmp -> media server -> cdn -> rtmp or hls -> audience
For the simplest case, we don't need a cdn server, then the flow will be:
broadcaster -> rtmp -> media server -> rtmp or hls -> audience
That is, the boadcaster push the live stream using the RTMP protocal to a media server, the audience pull the stream from the server using RTMP or HLS protocal.
Some explaination for RTMP and HLS:
RTMP: RTMP is used to stream audio, video or data and is originally a proprietary protocol introduced by Macromedia (owned by Adobe). The protocol is TCP-based and offers therefore persistent connections. In short, RTMP encapsulates MP3/AAC audio and MP4/FLV video multimedia streams.
HLS: HTTP Live Streaming is known as HLS. As the name implies, it is the media streaming communications protocol based on HTTP; developed by Apple as part of their QuickTime, Safari, OS X, and iOS products. How does it work? It breaks the overall stream into a sequence of small HTTP-based files (.ts: Transport Stream). These transport stream files are indexed in the file .m3u8. It is required to download first the .m3u8 playlist to play a live stream.
For the media server, there are serveral choices:
- Adobe media server
- Red5
- Nginx RTMP module
- crtmpserver
After setting up the server, you can test it using ffmpeg(install it by brew install ffmpeg
- push stream
ffmpeg -f avfoundation -framerate 30 -i "1:0" -f flv rtmp://server-url
- watch the stream: go to this site:
p.s. Lots of live stream cloud already covers the media server and cdn parts. You just need to push/pull the stream from it.
There are serveral open source projects supporting RTMP, this project uses:
- LFLiveKit( to push rtmp stream
- IJKPlayer( to pull rtmp stream
You can find the usage of these libs in their project pages.
This project uses to handle the client-server communication, the logic is very simple, on the server side:
var rooms = {}
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
socket.on('create_room', function(room) {
var roomKey = room.key
rooms[roomKey] = room
socket.roomKey = roomKey
socket.on('close_room', function(roomKey) {
delete rooms[roomKey]
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
if (socket.roomKey) {
delete rooms[socket.roomKey]
socket.on('join_room', function(roomKey) {
socket.on('upvote', function(roomKey) {'upvote')
socket.on('gift', function(data) {'gift', data)
On the client side, it uses the swift client(, the logic is also simple:
create, join, or close a room:
socket.on("connect") { data, ack in
socket.on("connect") { data, ack in
publish likes and comments events:
socket.emit("upvote", room.key)
socket.emit("comment", [
"roomKey": room.key,
"text": text
listen likes and comments events:
socket.on("upvote") { data, ack in
socket.on("comment") { data, ack in
let comment = Comment(dict: data[0] as! [String: AnyObject])