A graph based image processing and generation tool.
Nodes are processing blocks with inputs and outputs. Currently inputs are not distinguished from outputs and all can be either, though in some nodes certain ios will be overwritten every update.
The current model is to only update nodes that are input ancestors to an active output, and that have dirty inputs.
Originally hosted on http://code.google.com/p/binarymillenium/source/browse/trunk/opencv/camthing on svn.
distort an image using a generated camera info, then undistort and compare to original:
roslaunch vimjay distort.launch
rectify an image loaded from disk using dynamic reconfigurable camera info distortion coefficients:
roslaunch vimjay image_rect.launch
roslaunch vimjay camera_info_to_plane.launch
Need to check these nodes out: http://wiki.ros.org/opencv_apps
Tried removing scanning_mode and now auto_exposure has a bad number in it.
rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam get /usb_cam/uvc_camera
After running the node it may be necessary to restore the webcam:
sudo rmmod uvcvideo
sudo modprobe uvcvideo
The former uses v4l rather than uvc, so won't implement uvc controls (it would be great to have standalone for that). usb_cam seems more stable so far, doesn't require editing usb dev permissions and doesn't take down the linux usb camera modules (how to restore them?).
Launch a webcam:
rosrun libuvc_camera camera_node
rqt_image_view crashes when it tries to view /image_raw from this.
rosrun image_view image_view does work though.
Not in jade package, need to install libuvc
Using usb_cam seems fine, but would like to control it through ros with every control exposed just like v4l2ucp does.
The libuvc_camera cfg file has every possible control in it? Can the controls actually use be set at run-time?
v4l2ucp source code:
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/v4l2ucp/git v4l2ucp-git
Built from source easily.
Also contains v4l2ctrl, which makes loading and saving current parameters easy:
./v4l2ctrl -d /dev/video0 -s test.cfg
cat test.cfg
9963776: Brightness:0
9963777: Contrast:0
9963778: Saturation:64
9963779: Hue:0
9963788:White Balance Temperature, Auto:1
9963792: Gamma:100
9963795: Gain:0
9963800: Power Line Frequency:0
9963802: White Balance Temperature:4600
9963803: Sharpness:2
9963804: Backlight Compensation:3
rosrun vimjay image_deque image:=/image_raw
rostopic pub -1 /single std_msgs/Bool True
This project is in the process of being converted to ros, which may substantially alter it to the point of being unrecognizable and it probably ought to be renamed.
:s/VLOG(\(.\{-}\)) << \(.*\);/ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_COND(log_level > \1, \2);/
Match across two lines (need to replace all the single line VLOGs first)
:s/VLOG(\(.\{-}\)) << \(.*\n.*\);/ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_COND(log_level > \1, \2);/
Three lines (not sure how to generalize):
:s/VLOG(\(.\{-}\)) << \(.*\n.*\n.*\);/ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_COND(log_level > \1, \2);/
Replace errors:
:s/LOG(ERROR) << \(.*\);/ROS_ERROR_STREAM(\1);/
:s/LOG(INFO) << \(.*\);/ROS_INFO_STREAM(\1);/
ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=`rospack find geometry_msgs`:`rospack find tf2_msgs`:`rospack find sensor_msgs`:`rospack find std_msgs`:`rospack find actionlib_msgs`:`rospack find visualization_msgs` cargo build --release