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Data Exam

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Exercise 1

I will instantiate the first project:

$ cd exercise_1
$ poetry init

After completing the init process, we will have a pyproject.toml file defined as follows:

name = "exercise_1"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Exercise 1 from Mutt Data Exam"
authors = ["Luciano Naveiro"]

python = "^3.8"


requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

Now we can install our Python app dependencies (and some dev dependencies also), by running the following commands:

$ poetry add requests==2.26.0
$ poetry add tqdm==4.60.0
$ poetry add black --dev
$ poetry add isort --dev
$ poetry add pytest --dev
$ poetry add pytest-mock --dev
$ poetry add typing-extensions --dev

I'll add some configuration on the pyproject.toml file:

line-length = 79

Now we can run some commands to clean the code:

$ poetry run isort exercise_1
$ poetry run black exercise_1

To build this project, I will first crate a network where all the Docker containes will run:

$ docker network create mutt-network

Now, I 'll build the Docker image:

$ docker build -t exercise_1 .

This will build the docker image that contains all the code and necessary dependencies. Under the hood, it is installing the poetry app.

To execute the app for a single date and single coin, we should run the following

$ docker run --rm --name=container_exercise_1 --network=mutt-network -v=$PWD/exercise_1/output:/app/exercise_1/output exercise_1 "--date=2022-04-20" "--coin=bitcoin"

To set up the cron job, I will execute it as a Python script (I didn't find the way to execute the Poetry app inside the crontab tab). So first I install 2 dependencies

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Now we are all set to create the cron job

$ crontab -e

it will open a vim editor, and there we input the following command:

DATEVAR=date +20%y-%m-%d
* 3 * * * python3 test_exam/exercise_1/exercise_1/ --date=$($DATEVAR) --coin=bitcoin
* 3 * * * python3 test_exam/exercise_1/exercise_1/ --date=$($DATEVAR) --coin=ethereum
* 3 * * * python3 test_exam/exercise_1/exercise_1/ --date=$($DATEVAR) --coin=cardano

This will execute everyday at 3 AM and store the data for bitcoin, ethereum and cardano, on test_exam/exercise_1/exercise_1/output

For the Point 3, i will assume that each day's data should be stored separatelly, and I added tqdm to monitor the progress of the whole bulk reprocess. I added the following parameters to the python app:

  • start_date: start date of the interval to retrieve data
  • end_date: date until data wants to be retrieved

Exercise 2

On this Exercise, I am going to create another Poetry app, extending the previous on:

$ cd ../
$ cd exercise_2
$ poetry init

After completing the init process, we will have a pyproject.toml file defined as follows:

name = "exercise_2"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Exercise 2 from Mutt Data Exam"
authors = ["Luciano Naveiro"]

python = "^3.8"


requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

Now we can install our Python app dependencies (and some dev dependencies also), by running the following commands:

$ poetry add requests==2.26.0
$ poetry add tqdm==4.60.0
$ poetry add sqlalchemy==1.4.35
$ poetry add psycopg2-binary==2.9.1
$ poetry add pandas==1.2.3
$ poetry add black --dev
$ poetry add isort --dev
$ poetry add typing-extensions --dev

I'll add some configuration on the pyproject.toml file:

line-length = 79

Now we can run some commands to clean the code:

$ poetry run isort exercise_2
$ poetry run black exercise_2

To set up the PostgreSQL database, I'll use the official Docker Image

I have created a docker-compose.yml which creates the DB and executes script to create the necessary tables:

$ cd exercise_2/db
$ docker-compose up

The configuration for the DB is the following:

  • username: postgres
  • password: postgres
  • db: postgres
  • host: localhost (or mutt-db if executing from inside the created network)
  • port: 5432

I added a new Boolean parameter on called store_data_on_db, in case is False, it is just the same as the old script. But in case is True, data is stored on both tables: coin_raw and coin_aggregated. So the logic is as follows:

  • for coin_raw, it will store on the DB every new combination of coin_id and date. It will not do anything if the combination coin_id and date is already on the DB, not even update the value.
  • for coin_aggregated, it will first delete the record from the month belonging to the selected date, it will compute the max/min values again with the new data, and will store this new value.

Now we can build the Docker image that contains all the code (while on test-exam/exercise_2 directory):

$ docker build -t exercise_2 .

To populate the tables from values since 2020-01-01, I execute the following commands:

$ docker run --rm --name=container_exercise_2 --network=mutt-network -v=$PWD/exercise_2/output:/app/exercise_2/output exercise_2 "--coin=bitcoin" "--start_date=2020-01-01" "--end_date=2022-04-14" "--store_data_on_db=True"

$ docker run --rm --name=container_exercise_2 --network=mutt-network -v=$PWD/exercise_2/output:/app/exercise_2/output exercise_2 "--coin=ethereum" "--start_date=2020-01-01" "--end_date=2022-04-14" "--store_data_on_db=True"

$ docker run --rm --name=container_exercise_2 --network=mutt-network -v=$PWD/exercise_2/output:/app/exercise_2/output exercise_2 "--coin=cardano" "--start_date=2020-01-01" "--end_date=2022-04-14" "--store_data_on_db=True"

Exercise 3

To solve this Exercise, I created 2 queries using the data from 2022-01-01 to 2022-04-14 from bitcoin, ethereum and cardano. To execute them, I just used DBeaver as an IDE and created the connection to the PostgreSQL DB running on docker, with the following configuration:

  • database: postgres
  • username: postgres
  • password: postgres
  • host: localhost
  • port: 5432

So, once connecting to the DB, I execute the following queries

  • exercise_3/avg_monthly_price.sql: which returns the following:
coin_id year_month avg_price
bitcoin 2022-01-01 41413.91580726949
bitcoin 2022-02-01 40648.22165632696
bitcoin 2022-03-01 41897.67000621025
bitcoin 2022-04-01 43674.93983449922
cardano 2022-01-01 1.2269163364346785
cardano 2022-02-01 1.0315629113580438
cardano 2022-03-01 0.9337815400992453
cardano 2022-04-01 1.0818478000646592
ethereum 2022-01-01 3091.3834038019118
ethereum 2022-02-01 2863.4249876166464
ethereum 2022-03-01 2864.979345093724
ethereum 2022-04-01 3276.7140754157303
  • exercise_3/avg_increase_after_drops.sql: which returns the following:
coin_id avg_nominal_increase avg_percentage_increase current_market_cap
bitcoin 424.8575848682216 0.01127334655842378 783560801481.9719
cardano 0.029080197432107196 0.026837297511847897 31303049352.34989
ethereum 68.87484261145323 0.0255933618938961 375767680796.0061

On this one I assumed that the "the current market cap" is the market cap from the last date I have data.

Exercise 4

For Exercise 4 I am going to create another Poetry app, and install all the dependencies and Jupyter to use a Notebook. As on the previuous exercises, I initiate teh app by just running the followoing command:

$ poetry init

After completing the init process, we will have a pyproject.toml file defined as follows:

name = "exercise_2"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Exercise 2 from Mutt Data Exam"
authors = ["Luciano Naveiro"]

python = "^3.8"


requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

Now we can install our Python app dependencies (and some dev dependencies also), by running the following commands:

$ poetry add sqlalchemy==1.4.35
$ poetry add psycopg2-binary==2.9.1
$ poetry add pandas==1.2.3
$ poetry add jupyter==1.0.0
$ poetry add matplotlib==3.4.1
$ poetry add holidays==0.13
$ poetry add scikit-learn==0.24.2

Now we can build the Docker image, and launch a Jupyter Notebook from inside the container and expose it on localhost:8888:

$ docker build -t exercise_4 .
$ docker run --rm --name=container_exercise_4 --network=mutt-network -v=$PWD/exercise_4:/app/exercise_4 -p 8888:8888 exercise_4

On this exercise, we can plot the last 30 days point prices of each of the coins, resulting on the following plots

To create the forecast, I am going to use dates from 2020-01-01 to 2021-12-31 as training data, and try to forecast the values from 2022-01-01 to 2022-04-14 and compare them with the real values.

To solve this time series analysis, I am going to use a simple LinearRegression from sklearn, and just using the price features, and the weekend and holiday ones. As I am using the previuos 7 prices as an input to the model, I will use a recursive multi step forecasting strategy (when forecasting I have to use the result from the previous predictions).

After running the model for each of the three models, we can conlcude that this simple linear model is not even close of catching the breaking points and the different trends, as we can see on the following plots


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