Try Rensou Kanji Hinge HERE
Try a Flutter rebuild with Chinese language functionality HERE
This is a smartphone-oriented web app for practicing hand-writing kanji by chaining them by their shared components, based on how I used to furtively practice kanji on a notepad when I worked in a restaurant:
Write a kanji in the white box. Tap your kanji when it appears in one of the grey boxes to add it to the list. Tap the **、** or **。** buttons to start a new sequence. Tap **〒** to export. If you want to know more about a kanji, tap on it. Functionality for working on a computer is included: write in the canvas, and then press the **送信** button.
The dictionary used in this program ("KanjiDictionaryJSO.js") was built from the Compiled Kanji Reference Dictionary spreadsheet in the Dictionaries folder. There is also a JSON version.
I provide all of them for ease of use by others.
Things to note for those wishing to use these dictionaries:
- The KANJIDIC index number** is essential for maintaining order when referencing the CKRD and when cross-referencing other dictionaries using the EDRGD KANJIDIC index.
- Some entries in KanjiDictionaryJSO.js and its minified version have been altered & cleaned up, whereas the CKRD and JSON versions have not.
- Dictionary entries in the JS & JSON dictionaries have been ordered by the "wiki" variable in each key:value pair -- that is, 年 is #1 because it has the most (2082013) appearances on the Japanese Wikipedia.
KanjiDictionaryJSO Key:
variable | kanji | purpose |
bushu | 部首 | radicals |
eigo | 英語 | english meaning |
jikaku | 字画 | stroke count |
heisig | ・・ | Heisig's index number |
kanjidicBan | ・・ | The "KANJIDIC" dictionary index number ** |
yomikata | 読み方 | The entry kanji's pronunciations. |
onyomiKanji | 音読み漢字 | Words using the kanji's onyomi, in kanji form |
onyomiKana | 音読み仮名 | Words using the kanji's onyomi, in kana form |
kunyomiKanji | 訓読み漢字 | Words using the kanji's kunyomi, in kanji form |
kunyomiKana | 訓読み仮名 | Words using the kanji's kunyomi, in kana form |
The Compiled Kanji Reference Dictionary is built from:
- Michael Raine & Jim Breen's KRADFILE.
- Shang's Kanji Frequency on Wikipedia spreadsheet.
The canvas API is Chen-Yu Ho's Handwriting.JS.
The CSS/HTML-only furigana functionality was written by Stack Overflow user MysticWhiteDragon.