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This sample project uses Vue.js and Vue Material. It provides only Web UI. So, I recommend using the golang-webapp-sample project as Back End Application.


Perform the following steps:

  1. Download and install Node.js.
  2. Download and install Visual Studio Code(VS Code).
  3. Install vetur extension for VS Code.
  4. Clone this repository.
  5. Download and install npm packages.
    npm install

Starting Server

Perform the following steps:

  1. Perform golang-webapp-sample project.
  2. Start the development server.
    npm run serve
  3. When startup is complete, the console shows the following message:
    DONE Compiled successfully in *****ms
    App running at:
    - Local:   http://localhost:3000/
    - Network: http://192.168.***.***:3000/
    Note that the development build is not optimized.
    To create a production build, run npm run build.
  4. Access the following URL in the Chrome.

Creating a Production Build

Perform the following command:

npm run build

Project Map

The following figure is the map of this sample project.

- vuejs-webapp-sample
  + public          … Contains resouces of this project.
  - src
    + assets        … Contains source codes that Webpack doesn't need to build.
    + components    … Contains components of Vue.
    + ajax          … Implement the common library for Ajax.
    + router        … Define Vue Router.
    + store         … Define Vuex
    + views         … Define views of this project.
    - App.vue       … Define a base view of this project.
    - main.js       … Entry point.
  - babel.config    … Babel Configuration.
  - package.json    … Define npm packages.
  - vue.config.js   … Vue CLI Configuration.


There are the following views in this sample.

View Name File Name Description
Login View Login.vue The view for session authentication with username and password. This view is created and based on the example of vue-material.
Home View Home.vue The view showing search results.
About View About.vue The view showing this application information.


This sample uses the following library.

Library Name Version Description
vue-cli 5.0.8 The tool for Vue.js Development.
Vue.js 2.7.0 JavaScript Framework
Vue Router 3.6.5 Library for Routing.
Vuex 3.6.2 Flux library for Vue.js
axios 0.27.2 library for Ajax.
vue-material 1.0.0-beta-14 CSS Framework


Please read for proposing new functions, reporting bugs and submitting pull requests before contributing to this repository.


The License of this sample is MIT License.