This is the code that was utilized for the CS 221/229 project, in which machine learning and AI methods were applied to solve the game of Minesweeper.
Several approaches were used involving logistic regression, linear regression, reinforcement learning/QLearning, and CSPs.
Enter the Supervised directory
cd Supervised/
To run the logistic regression classifier, run the command
To run the SVM classifier, run the command
To run the regression predictor, run the command
Tuneable parameters within the files:
train_games (how many games of Minesweeper to use during training)
area (for classification only. Controls how much of the board to use as features for the classifiers)
Enter the Q-Learning directory
cd Qlearning/
Run the following command:
python [-r <num rows>] [-c <num cols>] [-l <num training games>] [-p <num testing games>] [-q print state map]
Default values are 4x4 board, with 100,000 training games and 10,000 testing games.
Enter the CSP directory
cd CSP/
To run the nongraphical version, run the command (with optional flags)
python [-r <num rows>] [-c <num cols>] [-m <num mines>] [-n <num games>] [-i for intermediate game] [-e for expert game] [-b for beginner game] [-S <num sets>] [-v verbose] [-noreal can lose on first try]
To run the graphical version, run the command (also with optional flags)
python [-r <num rows>] [-c <num cols>] [-m <num mines>] [-i for intermediate game] [-e for expert game] [-b for beginner game] [-S <num sets>] [-v verbose] [-noreal can lose on first try]
Once the GUI is up, clicking play will play a game and show the final result. Dark gray signifies tiles that had 0 mines. Lighter gray signifies other values for a square. Purple tiles signify a mine that was marked as a mine. Whenever a game is lost, all of the mines on the board are shown, these are the red tiles. Clicking on QUIT will quit the program.