You need to have installed NodeJS and Git in your machine before to start.
Use Git bash
to run all commands if you are on Windows platform.
Install yeoman
npm install -g yo
Install Grunt
npm install -g grunt-cli
Install bower
npm install -g bower
Install generator angular-fullstack
npm install -g generator-angular-fullstack
If you want to learn more about used technologies in the project, you can see the slides here. Just follow the instructions to run the slides locally. Please feel free to contact me if you have any question.
To run the project just follow next steps:
cd google-io-extended-2015
npm install
bower install
Run grunt serve
, to allow application running. Default browser should be open with localhost:9000
grunt serve
To run unit tests:
grunt test:client
To run E2E tests:
grunt test:e2e
To add new controllers, just type:
yo angular-fullstack:controller user
To add new services, just type:
yo angular-fullstack:service user-service
To see more generators available you can visit main documentation page of generator-angular-fullstack