Backend for Carmel
The backend is designed to be infinitely scalable – limited only by GCP credits :)
The Listener module observes all NFT-related contracts on Solana and publishes a Pub/Sub message for each relevant event.
The Processor module is hosted as a Cloud Run instance. This way it scales relative to on-chain activity. It currently processes 50-70 tx/sec, which accounts for all NFT activity on-chain.
The WalletSync module listens for Pub/Sub messages which are sent by the frontend if an end-user requests any information not already cached in the Firestore DB.
participant Listener
participant Processor
participant WalletSync
participant Webapp
Listener->>Processor: Relevant tx published
loop ProcessSignature
Processor->>Processor: Parse+cache tx
Processor->>WalletSync: Parse+cache adjacent wallets
Processor->>Processor: Parse+cache adjacent mints
WalletSync->>Processor: Parse+cache adjacent mints
Webapp->>WalletSync: TX/Wallet UI requested
WalletSync->>Processor: Parse+cache adjacent txs
Docker images are setup for each of the three components in /docker. A GCP project is required to use the Pub/Sub and Firestore functionality (place Google Application Credentials json file in ./private/gcloud-credentials.json