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calculate COding potential from Multiple fEatures

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COME --- calculate COding potential from Multiple fEatures.

0. About COME

COME (coding potential calculator based on multiple features) is a computational tool that predicts the coding potential for a given transcript. It integrates multiple sequence-derived and experiment-based features using a decompose-compose method, which makes COME’s performance more accurate and robust than other well-known tools. First, COME compose the feature matrix for the given transcripts using the pre-calculated features vectors. Second, COME predict the coding potential by the pre-trained models, using the feature matrix generated in the first step.

COME is currently pre-trained for five model species: human (hg19), mouse (mm10), fly (dm3), worm (ce10) and plant (TAIR10). The pre-trained models were avaible in the folder of [bin/models] (

COME integreated features including GC content, DNA sequence conservation, protein conservation and RNA secondary structure conservation, expression abundance from poly(A)+, poly(A)- and small RNA sequencing, H3K36me3 and H3K4me3 modification. These input features were pre-calculated and avaiable in folder of [bin/HDF5] (

For users who are not familiar with Linux, we also provide a webserver, which is still in a beta version.

1. Installation


  1. Download HDF5 and model files from onedrive or Tsinghua Cloud

  2. Linux

  3. R (>=2.15.2)

  4. R packages ("randomForest" and "rhdf5"); You can install these packages by entering R and typing these:

     ## Install package "randomForest"
     ## Install package "rhdf5"

Download files into sepcific folders.

  1. First, change directory to your working directory, download the source codes from and decompress it. Enter the subfolder "COME-master/bin" and define the path as the variable Bin_dir

     $ unzip		./;
     $ cd 		./COME-master/bin;
     $ Bin_dir=`pwd|awk '{print $1}'`;
  2. Second, download your species'(Let's say, human) feature vector files from onedrive or Tsinghua Cloud ( see download links above ). These (nine) files need to be placed in the subfolder "COME-master/bin/HDF5".

     $ unzip	./;
     $ mv	./human/human.HDF5.*	$Bin_dir/HDF5;
  3. Third, download your species' model file from onedrive or Tsinghua Cloud ( see download links above ). The (one) model file need to be placed in the subfolder "COME-master/bin/models".

     $ mv	./human.model	$Bin_dir/models;

2. Usage and Examples

bash /path/to/bin_subfolder/ /path/to/your/transcripts.gtf	/path/to/your/output_folder/	/path/to/bin_subfolder/	species	model;

  • /path/to/bin_subfolder/ is the path where you kept downloaded COME's "bin" subfolder, i.e., the $Bin_dir

  • /path/to/bin_subfolder/ is COME's main program script.

  • /path/to/your/transcripts.gtf is your input gtf file. The input gtf file should be as the description of ucsc's [gtf format] ( In summary, the first field should be chormosome in lower and abbreviate case (e.g., chr1, chrX); the third field should be exactly "exon"; the seventh field should be strand (i.e., + or -). The subsequent attribute list must begin with the two mandatory attributes: gene_id "value"; transcript_id "value". In addition, transcript length should be longer than 50 nucleotides. Any lines of your input file don't match the criteria aboved will be skipped.

  • /path/to/your/output_folder/ is a folder that will be created (if the user didn't create it already) to save your output file "result.txt"

  • species is one of these five names: "human", "mouse", "fly", "worm" and "plant". It specifies which species' feature vector files should be applied to your calculation

  • model is one of these ten names: "human.model", "human.NoExpHis.model", "mouse.model", "mouse.NoExpHis.model", "fly.model", "fly.NoExpHis.model", "worm.model", "worm.NoExpHis.model", "plant.model" and "plant.NoExpHis.model". It specifies which model should be applied to your calculation. *.model, e.g., human.model, is the default model trained by multiple sequence-derived and experiment-based features. We also provided *.NoExpHis.model, e.g., human.NoExpHis.model, which is the model trained by multiple sequence-derived features only.

An example:

Assuming I want to predict the human test transcripts from the [examples] ( folder, human.test.gtf. I would work on my home directory ~/ and I want the output of COME stored in a folder named ~/COME_out/.

  1. ~/ was downloaded to my working directory ~/ from [github] ( by clicking the link or wget:

     $ cd ~;
     $ wget -c --content-disposition;
  2. ~/ was downloaded to my working directory ~/ from onedrive or Tsinghua Cloud ( see download links above ) or wget:

     $ cd ~;
     $ wget -c --content-disposition
  3. ~/human.model was downloaded to my working directory ~/ from onedrive or Tsinghua Cloud ( see download links above ) or wget:

     $ cd ~;
     $ wget -c --content-disposition
  4. Then run COME by the following commands:

     ## Installation and preparison
     $ cd ~/;		
     $ unzip	./;
     $ cd 	./COME-master/bin;
     ## Save the path of "bin" subfolder to the variable "$Bin_dir"
     $ Bin_dir=`pwd|awk '{print $1}'`;
     $ cd ~/;
     $ unzip	./;
     $ mv	./human/human.HDF5.*	$Bin_dir/HDF5;
     $ rm -rf	./human;
     $ mv	./human.model	$Bin_dir/models;
     ## Running COME
     $ bash $Bin_dir/	$Bin_dir/../examples/human.test.gtf	~/COME_out	$Bin_dir	human	human.model;
  5. The final output will be stored in ~/COME_out/result.txt. We can compare it with the example output file ~/human.test.result.txt. (Notice: the subclass number may be different, because the K-means algorithm used random seed.)

  6. Users are recommended to use the absolute path (/dir1/dir2/file1) instead of the relative path (../../file2).

3. Citing COME


Hu L., Xu Z., Hu B. and Lu ZJ, COME: a robust coding potential calculation tool for lncRNA identification and characterization based on multiple features, 2016

4. Contact


Long Hu


calculate COding potential from Multiple fEatures






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