This is Project for learning MLOps. In this project,I gained experience in using a widely-used MLOps tool to create a model serving pipeline and implement a CI/CD process. This project demonstrates the application of MLOps principles and provides a foundational solution for addressing machine learning challenges.
Techstack I used in this project:
MLFlow: Model registry, artifact store
FastAPI: model serving
Prometheus,Cadvisor: metrics collector
Grafana: metrics visualization
Jaeger: tracing
ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana: logs collector and analysis
Locust: load test for model serving
Docker,Docker-compose: containerization
Kubernetes,Helm: container orchestration
Jenkins: CI/CD pipeline
Github: source version control
Cloud service: Google Kubernetes Engine
Infrastructure as code: Terraform,Ansible
$sudo apt install cmake
$pip install -r requirements.txt
$make mlflow_up
$export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI=http://localhost:5000
$python3 src/ #prepare data
$python3 src/ --model_name xgb
#Register model in MLFlow UI at http://localhost:5000
$make mlflow_up #start mlflow server
$make elk_up #start logs collector
$make monitoring_up #start monitoring service(prometheus, grafana,jaeger)
$make predictor_up #start predictor service
Access to localhost:5000/
for tracking experiment ML model
Access to
for testing api
Access to
for logs kibana search
Access to
for grafana dashboard
Access to
for jaeger tracing
Access to
for prometheus
You can see dashboard for performance testing in grafana and tracing in jaeger
$locust -f src/
Access to localhost:8089
for load test
You can create request with different for testing performace system
You can see
for details setup and deploy to cloud service(GKE ) model serving and CI/CD pipeline