This application gets gas price activities from transactions in the Ethereum network, and computes dynamic gas price via JSON API.
Built with Visual Studio 2017 (requires .NET Core 2.0, compatible with Windows / Linux / macOS)
.Net Core runtime can be downloaded from the following links:
The following files can be used to run the software:
- Linux
sudo chmod u+x
- Windows
To directly run the software, enter as below:
dotnet ETH-GasOMeter.dll [arg1=param1 arg2=param2]
If required, edit the above batch script file(s) with the command line arguments below:
api-bind Bind Json API via IP:port, default (note: application will need to run as administator/sudo to bind IP other than
loop-delay Delay loop query into the web3 provider in seconds, default 10
recent-blocks API display a history of recent blocks, default 40 (approx. 10 minutes)
silent Disables printing into console, may improve performance (for API monitoring systems only), default false
web3-url User-defined web3 provider URL, default developer's mainnet Infura provider URL
to-address User-defined address to monitor so to start the process immediately, default null (will pause at the address selection menu)
exclude-from-address User-defined addresses(seperated by a comma ',') to exclude from HighestTxPrice calculation, default null
enable-ethgasstation Enables reading of into API & console, default false
Releases can be found here.
If you find this tool useful, and would like to support the developer, then consider a donation.
BTC : 3GS5J5hcG6Qcu9xHWGmJaV5ftWLmZuR255
ETH (or any token) : 0x9172ff7884cefed19327adace9c470ef1796105c
LTC : LbFkAto1qYt8RdTFHL871H4djendcHyCyB
Below is the example of the API output:
"EthGasStation": {
"BlockNumber": 5667524,
"GasUsedPercent": 99.837,
"SafeLowGwei": 11.0,
"SafeLowWaitMinutes": 3.0,
"AverageGwei": 11.0,
"AverageWaitMinutes": 3.0,
"FastGwei": 16.0,
"FastWaitMinutes": 0.5
"LastBlockNumber": 5667528,
"LastBlockTimestamp": "2018-05-24T15:28:13+08:00",
"BasedOnNumberOfBlocks": 39,
"GasUsedPercent": 99.142,
"HighestGasPriceGwei": 1220.958843346,
"LowestGasPriceGwei": 1.0,
"Percentile80GasPriceGwei": 24.0,
"Percentile60GasPriceGwei": 15.3,
"Percentile40GasPriceGwei": 13.0,
"Percentile20GasPriceGwei": 12.0,
"Percentile10GasPriceGwei": 10.0,
"ToAddress": "0xB6eD7644C69416d67B522e20bC294A9a9B405B31",
"ExcludeFromAddresses": [],
"HighestTxPriceOrPercentile80GasPriceGwei": 24.0,
"HighestTxPriceOrPercentile60GasPriceGwei": 18.0,
"HighestTxPriceOrPercentile40GasPriceGwei": 18.0,
"HighestTxPriceOrPercentile20GasPriceGwei": 18.0,
"HighestTxPriceOrPercentile10GasPriceGwei": 18.0,
"Blocks": [
"BlockNumber": 5667528,
"Timestamp": "2018-05-24T15:28:13+08:00",
"GasUsedPercent": 99.931,
"Transactions": [
"Hash": "0xbfd535eda04408c4680cce48efd2ff9a339361227994f32de68e8d5401094274",
"Status": "success",
"From": "0x53ce57325c126145de454719b4931600a0bd6fc4",
"GasPriceGwei": 15.0,
"GasUsed": 36729,
"FeeETH": 0.00055094
"BlockNumber": 5667527,
"Timestamp": "2018-05-24T15:27:51+08:00",
"GasUsedPercent": 71.898,
"Transactions": []
ETH-GasOMeter is licensed under the MIT license.
Libraries are included in the Software under the following license terms:
Common Infrastructure Libraries for .NET
Bouncy Castle
.NET Core