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React in Lua. Renderer-agnostic framework for Lua platforms.


Fiber Architecture

Luact integrates a simple implementation of React's Fiber Architecture, which allows us to have a consistent 16ms frame.


Luact aims to be renderer-agnostic, and so a custom Reconciler allows us to do so, which defines the UI tree.


Luact has yet to implement class-based components, and since Luact only has functional components for now, hooks (inspired from React hooks) is a good way to have access to lifecycles and turn these components into stateful ones.


Luact has built-in timers inspired from the Web API.



Reconciler defines the way to create our custom UI tree. This table has methods dedicated to manipulating the UI tree.

Reconciler must have the following functions:

  • create_instance - constructs the UI node.
      create_instance = function (self, constructor, props)
    • constructor is the tag for the given host component (a component defined with Element).
    • props is the element's properties.
  • append_child - inserts the UI node to a parent UI node.
    append_child = function (self, parent, child, index)
    • parent is the nearest UI node instance in the tree. This will serve as the UI node's parent.
    • child is the child UI node instance in the tree.
    • index indicates that the child is the nth child from the parent.
  • commit_update - updates the given UI node.
    commit_update = function (self, instance, old_props, new_props)
    • instance is the UI node instance to be updated.
    • old_props is the UI node's previous props.
    • new_props is the UI node's commited props.
  • remove_child - removes the UI node from the parent
    remove_child = function (self, parent, child, index)
    • parent is the parent UI node.
    • child is the child UI node to be removed from the parent.
    • index indicates that the child is the nth child from the parent.

Once a reconciler has been defined, the function Luact.init can be called to initialize the render system. This function returns a table with the following properties:

  • Fragment - Luact component for adapting multiple children.
  • ErrorBoundary - Luact component for setting up error boundaries for render and commit phase.
  • component - Function for constructing a Luact component. Receives a render function.
  • basic - Similar to component except that this is strictly for stateless components.
  • memo - Memoized version of the component.
  • memo_basic - Memoized version of the basic.
  • Element - Luact component for constructing host components (the components the Reconciler interacts with.). Host components represents the UI tree.
  • render - Renders the UI tree with the top level element. Receives the element which is the top-level element from the UI tree and the container which is the root and the container of the UI tree. Usually called only once.
  • work_loop - function that runs the Fiber workloop. Receives a function that returns the time remaining before the next frame step (in milliseconds). This function must be called periodically (ideally per frame) and during idle process.

An example reconciler can be found in luact-love directory.


Component is what builds your UI. In Luact, we have different kinds of components, and each one of them has different use cases.

  • basic is the simplest form of a Luact component. This function receives a function which defines how we render the chunk of UI it represents. The elements created by basic are stateless and has no access to hooks, doing so can yield errors.
local MyBasicComponent = MyRenderer.basic(function (props)
  return MyRenderer.Element('h1', {
    content = props.content

local element = MyBasicComponent {
  content = "Hello World"
  • component is similar to basic but has access to hooks.
local Counter = MyRenderer.component(function (props)
  local count, set_count = Luact.use_state(0)

  Luact.use_layout_effect(function ()
    local function animate()
      set_count(function (current)
        return current + 1


  end, {})

  return MyRenderer.Element('h1', {
    content = "Count: "..count
  • memo is a special kind of component constructor similar to component but allows the memoization process by skipping the render process if the old props and the new props are similar in shallow level.

  • memo_basic is the same as basic with the memoization process.

  • Fragment is a kind of component that allows render functions to return multiple components.

local List = Renderer.basic(function (props)
  return Renderer.Fragment {
    ListItem { value = props.values[1] },
    ListItem { value = props.values[2] },
    ListItem { value = props.values[3] },
  • ErrorBoundary is a kind of component that accumulates render and commit phase errors from within its tree. ErrorBoundary tries to render every possible child inside the tree until all trees has been covered. If ErrorBoundary catches an error, the error is pushed to the accumulated table of errors, and once the lifecycle phase begins, runs the catch prop to receive the errors.

Example below yields an error for using hooks inside a basic component.

local B = Love.basic(function ()
  Luact.use_constant(function ()
    return "Wtf"

  return Love.Element("Hello", { message = "World" })

local A = Love.component(function ()
  return Love.ErrorBoundary {
    catch = function (errors)
      error(logs(errors, 0))
    children = {
      B {},
      B {},
  • Meta is a kind of component constructor similar to React Class Components. Meta is also a cross of stateful component and error boundary.

  • Element is what represents your UI in your container and are the elements that are processed by your custom Reconciler. In React, this is similar to HTML elements.


Hooks are a special set of functions that deals with the internal workings of Luact and work with the components. Hooks allows to turn your components into stateful components and allows them to have access to component lifecycles.

  • use_callback memoizes a function's reference. Useful for dependencies and component props.
  • use_constant creates a component-level constant.
  • use_effect allows to run side-effects for the component whenever the given set of dependencies changes. The function side-effect can return a function which is called between re-runs, useful for cleanup logic.
  • use_force_update returns a function that, when called, re-renders a component.
  • use_layout_effect is similar to use_effect except that side-effects are run before UI mutations.
  • use_memo allows to memoize synchronous process in the render logic.
  • use_reducer
  • use_ref creates a component-level mutable reference that remains the same throughout the lifecycle. Useful for data persistence that do not need re-renders.
  • use_state creates a component-level that state that when updated, re-renders the component.

Hooks follow two rules:

  • They can only be called inside component and memo.
  • They should be called on top-level and outside branching logic.

You can read more info about it in the official React documentation:


  • luact-love is a Luact engine for the LOVE 11.3 framework. (WIP)

Future goals

Some features from React that will be implemented soon:

  • Portal API
  • should_update, get_derived_state_from_props, get_derived_state_from_error, get_derived_state_from_context Meta methods
  • Refs
  • Component Stack Trace

Other goals: *



This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file


Build reactive user interfaces on Lua







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