- KinectGamePlayer depends on the Kinect 1.8 libraries. These can acquired via the SDK or the Runtime (only tested with the SDK).
- Compilation of KinectGamePlayer depends on the .NET Framework, and was developed using the 4.5 version, available here. It may work with lower versions of .NET, but has not been tested.
- A Kinect v1.8 is necessary, for obvious reasons.
- An installation of Visual Studio is required. The latest version, which is also free, is recommended.
- Open KinectGamePlayer/KinectGamePlayer.sln
- In Visual Studio, select Build -> (Re)Build Solution from the dropdown menus
- Navigate to KinectGamePlayer/bin/x86/Debug
- Copy the two text files from preprocessedData at the root of the repository here (You can also use the SkeletonRecorder and HistogrammerRunner programs to record and prepare different data)
- You can now run the utility from Visual Studio or via the executable binary KinectGamePlayer.exe in the folder
- Histogrammer: Contains classes useful for histogramming raw skeleton data. Library (dll) only.
- HistogrammerRunner: Processes raw skeleton logs in the folder data/, expected to be inside the program's current working directory
- LibSVMSharp (+Demo): Wrappers around the LibSVM library. Included for convenience because the maintainer does not provide readily available binaries or NuGet packages.
- SkeletonRecorder: Records raw skeleton data from the Kinect into log files which can be processed later into training data. Very little protection against overwriting recorded data, be careful with this one!