Wrapper functions for extracting World COVID-19 World Survey Data gathered by University of Maryland and Facebook
Clone it or use source("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m-dadej/WC19SD/master/api_functions.R")
to import functions to get data.
Documentation of the API along with description of variables is here
Main function to get survey data:
covid_survey(indicator = "mask", # one of "covid" , "flu" , "mask" ,"contact", "finance" or "all"
type = "daily", # or "smoothed"
country = "Poland", # "United%" For countries with united in title
region = "all", # or c() in order to get total for a country
date_range = "all") # YYYY-MM-DD
Function to lookup available dates or countries/regions
lookup_dates(country = c("Poland", "Pomorskie")) # to get available dates for Pomorskie region of Poland. Format c("country", "region")
lookup_country(region = TRUE) # to get list of available countries and regions if region = TRUE
Here are some visualizations of the data (in polish tho):
Junchuan Fan, Yao Li, Kathleen Stewart, Anil R. Kommareddy, Adrianne Bradford, Samantha Chiu, Frauke Kreuter, Neta Barkay, Alyssa Bilinski, Brian Kim, Roee Eliat, Tal Galili, Daniel Haimovich, Sarah LaRocca, Stanley Presser, Katherine Morris, Joshua A Salomon, Elizabeth A. Stuart, Ryan Tibshirani, Tali Alterman Barash, Curtiss Cobb, Andres Garcia, Andi Gros, Ahmed Isa, Alex Kaess, Faisal Karim, Ofir Eretz Kedosha, Shelly Matskel, Roee Melamed, Amey Patankar, Irit Rutenberg, Tal Salmona, David Vannette (2020). COVID-19 World Symptom Survey Data API