Wolbox is a small web based tool, that you can use to wake sleeping computers on your LAN.
Enter your network details in wolbox/config.py. Then either run
$ ./run.sh
or run this on Docker with the provided dockerfile.
When running in Docker, use a command along the lines of:
$ docker run --rm --net=host --security-opt no-new-privileges -p 8080:8080 wolbox
The --net=host
is necessary to allow the magic packages to be properly sent.
Set this to the FQDN of the host where you run this app.
You can also set this via the environment variable WOLBOX_URL
Set this to the domain where the hosts that you want to wake live.
You can also set this via the environment variable WOLBOX_DOMAIN
Set this to the ip subnet in CIDR notation where the hosts that need waking
You can also set this via the environment variable WOLBOX_SUBNET
Wolbox periodically scans the subnet to determine wether or not a host is
online. Set this to the period in seconds (e.g. 20 ==> scan every 20 secons).
You can also set this via the environment variable WOLBOX_SCAN_FREQ