This package simplifies the fundamental software engineering practices such as bottleneck analysis, exception handling, logging etc.
pip install pysimpler
You have to set PYSIMPLER environment variable as 1 to activate pysimpler. If you want to deactivate it, you should set as 0.
export PYSIMPLER=1
export PYSIMPLER=0
You can add the following command at the end of your code for reporting.
If you want to set specific values for reporting metrics, you can use following lines. Default values are TIME_UNITS.SECONDS and 5 digits.
import pysimpler
This feature aims to log duration of the execution time of method. We use timer keyword for using this feature. It help you analysing your bottlenecks in function level.
import pysimpler
def counter(count):
x = 1
for i in range(count):
y = x*i
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Process 1")
result = counter(10)
print("Process 3")
# output
# ------------------------------
# Process 1
# 2023-12-25T11:55:38.474173+0300 | INFO | File: | Function : counter | Duration : 0.0005151670000032027 sec
# Process 3
import pysimpler
import gc
def memory(count):
mem = []
for i in range(count):
if __name__ == '__main__':
# print(gc.get_count()) lines are only for printing of the memory state.
# You can remove it.
print("Process 1")
print("Process 2")
result = memory(1000)
print("Process 4")
# output
# Process 1
# Process 2
# (351, 10, 1)
# (0, 0, 0)
# Process 4
import pysimpler
import gc
def memory_pytorch(device = "cuda"):
print("=> memory_pytorch")
var = torch.ones(1,3,1024,1024)
if torch.cuda.is_available():
var =
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Process 1")
print("Process 2")
result = memory_pytorch()
print("Process 4")
# output
# ------------------------------
# Process 1
# Process 2
# => memory_pytorch
# Process 4