💡 I've decided to learn the basics of Python in order to get a general understanding of the structure and use of programming languages. While learning, I wrote some simple mini-programs. I'm planning to gradually skill up in the near future.
🧾 The first batch of my mini-programs involves e.g.:
- entering password with three attempts,
- checking if a figure is square or rectangle,
- calculating rectangle area,
- calculating factorial,
- calculating BMI,
- drawing a Xmas tree,
- playing with strings (e.g. checking length, eliminating vowels),
- encrytping a text using Caesar's cipher,
- counting down seconds (timer),
- sorting user's numbers and finding the highest,
- guessing the number (a few versions),
- tossing a coin,
- calculating a Fibonacci sequence element,
- playing with randomly generated numbers,
- verifying validity of a PESEL number (Polish personal id).