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Cookbook - Self-hosted recipes

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Cookbook is a web application that stores all your favorite recipes. Self-hosting gives you full control over your personal recipes and lets you share them with your friends and family.




  • PHP ^8.1
  • Composer (if you want to execute certain commands on the server)
  • MySQL (or almost any other SQL-Server)
  • Apache Webserver
    • Alternatively any other webserver, in which case you have to replicate the behavior of the .htaccess files in api/public and client/src/.htaccess
    • Make sure you enable the mod-rewrite for Apache and set AllowOverride All in order for the .htaccess files to work.

To check the PHP requirements run the following command inside of the release folder (or the api folder):

composer check-platform-reqs

From release

  1. Download the Cookbook-<version>.zip file from the release
  2. Create a MySQL-database (alternatively a SQLite-database can be used; see Development)
  3. Host the public-directory publicly on an Apache-Webserver
  4. Update the .env and public/app/assets/config.json configuration files if necessary (see Configuration)
  5. Run the following command to set the application key: php artisan key:generate
    • Alternatively you can set the APP_KEY manually inside of the .env file
  6. Run the following command to setup the database: php artisan migrate --seed
    • This also creates the administrator user (you can then update the details of the user)
  7. Link the public storage: php artisan storage:link
  8. Run the following commands (optional; for better performance):
    1. php artisan cache:clear
    2. php artisan route:cache
    3. php artisan config:cache
    4. php artisan view:cache
    • Info: If the the config (.env) or the routes are updated, the corresponding commands have to be re-executed

Info: The php artisan <...> commands can also be executed locally, before uploading the application to the server

From repository

  1. Clone the repository / download and extract it
  2. Create a MySQL-database (alternatively a SQLite-database can be used; see Development)
  3. Setup the api:
    1. Navigate to the api directory
    2. Install the composer dependencies using composer install --no-interaction --no-progress --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader --no-dev
    3. Copy .env.example to .env and update the file if necessary (see section Configuration)
    4. Host the public-directory publicly on an Apache-Webserver
    5. Run the following command to setup the database: php artisan migrate --seed
      • This also creates the administrator user (you can then update the details of the user)
    6. Link the public storage: php artisan storage:link
    1. Run the same optional commands from above
  4. Setup the client
    1. Navigate into the client-directory
    2. Install the npm dependencies using npm install
    3. Build the client npm run build
    4. Host the created client/dist/cookbook-folder publicly
      • Create a configuration file by copying the file client/dist/Cookbook/assets/config.example.json to client/dist/Cookbook/assets/config.json and setting the values accordingly (see section Configuration)

Setting up the cronjob

There are some (optional) cleanup commands being executed automatically depending on a cronjob. To set that one up do the following:


* * * * * www-data cd /project/root && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

See Laravel docs


API configuration


Key Datatype Description
APP_ENV string The API's environment: production, local, demo
APP_DEBUG boolean Whether to pass debug-messages (errors etc.) to the client.
Should not be enabled in production
APP_URL string The url at which the API is reachable
APP_FRONTEND_URL string The url at which the client is reachable
APP_TIMEZONE string The servers timezone
APP_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE string The default language to use
APP_SIGN_UP_ENABLED boolean Whether users are allowed to register
APP_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_ENABLED boolean Whether the email must be verified
HCAPTCHA_ENABLED boolean Whether the hCaptcha is enabled (see below)
HCAPTCHA_SECRET string The hCaptcha secret (see below)
DB_CONNECTION string The database connection to use
DB_HOST string The host of the database
DB_PORT string The port of the database
DB_DATABASE string The database name
DB_USERNAME string The username to access the database
DB_PASSWORD string The password to access the database
MAIL_MAILER string The mailer to use (normally smtp)
MAIL_HOST string The host of the mailer Host
MAIL_PORT integer The port of the mailer
MAIL_USERNAME integer Email username
MAIL_PASSWORD integer Email password
MAIL_ENCRYPTION integer The encryption used by the mailer
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS integer The senders email
MAIL_FROM_NAME integer The senders name

hcaptcha: hCaptcha is used to prevent bots from signing-up. Create a free account here:

Client configuration


  "apiUrl": "/api", // the URL at which the API is reachable (if release is used this should not be changed)
  // hcaptcha data (see above)
  "hcaptcha.enabled": true,
  "hcaptcha.siteKey": "<hcaptcha site-key>"


Currently the Webapp is translated to the following languages:

  • English
  • German

To add a new translation:

  1. Client translations:
    1. Add a file to the client/src/assets/i18n directory (use the language-code (ISO 639-1 Language Code))
    2. Translate the keys used in the other translation-files
    • Info: You can use the i18n Manager to create the translations (even though the project is archived it works well).
  2. API translations
    1. Copy the api/lang/en directory to api/lang/<language code>
    2. Update the values



  1. Navigate to the api directory
  2. Install the composer dependencies: composer install
  3. Copy the .env.development to .env and set values if necessary (don't set any database settings)
  4. Create the api/database/database.sqlite file (empty)
  5. Set the application key: php artisan key:generate
  6. Run the following command to setup the database: php artisan migrate --seed
    • This also creates the administrator user (you can then update the details of the user)
  7. Link the public storage: php artisan storage:link
  8. Start: php artisan serve


  1. Navigate to the client directory
  2. Install the npm dependencies: npm install
  3. Copy the src/assets/config.example.json to src/assets/config.json and set values if necessary (don't set the apiUrl)
  4. Start: npm run start

Info: The local development environment uses a proxy to access the API (see

Tools & Routes

The API has the following helper routes: