Have you got a massive collection of desktop backgrounds favourited on imgur? Time to throw them into a folder and let bgur do the magic to set them as your background.
- Set desktop background from imgur (you'd hope so at least. Macs untested)
- Randomise backgrounds with anti-repeat logic
- minratio + maxratio options to ignore mobile oriented photos on desktop
- Syncing! Uses imgur, an album, and your own account - so no GDPR shenanigans
- Caching so that it doesn't kill imgur (offline coming soon)
- If you don't have one already, set up a favourites folder on imgur with all
your desktop backgrounds. Call it
Desktop Backgrounds
(optional). It can be a mix of private images, public images and albums. - Alternatively, you can use a friend's folder. See the
options - Install and run bgur
go get github.com/m1cr0man/bgur
go build -o bgur github.com/m1cr0man/bgur/cmd/bgur
chmod +x bgur # linux users
- Run bgur (basic usage)
./bgur -sync
You can run bgur -h
to get all the options correct to the version you installed.
I have to update the below list manually, but if you are lazy you can reference this.
Usage of ./bgur:
-change-interval int
Minutes between background changes. Default is 12 hours (default 720)
-folder-name string
Name of the folder to pull desktop backgrounds from (default "desktop backgrounds")
-folder-owner string
Username who owns the backgrounds folder. Defaults to you
Force a background change now. Overrides expiry
-max-ratio int
Maximum ratio of width:height, in percent. Use this for vertical screens, overrides minRatio
-min-ratio int
Minimum ratio of width:height, in percent. For example 160 which is 16:10
Refresh list of images from the folder on Imgur
-seed int
Seed to use for shuffling the folder. Set to 0 to skip shuffling (default 1577751173)
Sync state to Imgur so that the same backgrounds appear on other computers
- Auto building of the project
- Logo
- Work offline properly
- A web UI, because not everyone is a CLI hero. This will not be an electron app.