This project is for anyone who wants a feedback online application. This app will allow admins to keep track and view every feedback. The most current feedback will be displayed on top. There is a series of 4 views with a question on each that will allow inputs from the user.
React Routing
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Steps to get the development environment running:
Download this project.
npm start
Create the database and tables using the provided data.sql
Start the server.
npm install
npm run server
Now that the server is running, open a new terminal tab with cmd + t
and start the react client app.
npm run client
High level list of items completed:
- Allow admins to delete feedbacks
- Answers are saved in the redux store until they are submitted, which will then push the data into the database
- Deletion warning when deleting feedbacks popup
- Fix bug on flagging feedback feature
- Ability to sort feedbacks by their categories
Mai Chee Vang
Prime Digital Academy