My GitHub follows my coding learning path, contributions to other repositories, and experiments in the coding world.
Always curious, and always learning, with ♥ in mentoring students, trainees, and juniors towards their first job! 🧐
- FullStack Developer with HTML5, CSS, SASS, Vanilla JavaScript, React, Styled-Components, Typescript, Python/Django
- Some knowledge of Java & MySQL
- Some knowledge of Node.js with Express, Postman & MongoDB
- Some knowledge of Data Science & Data Analysis
- English/Spanish (translator specialized in IT - accounts served: Google/Microsoft/Samsung/Unity/Turtle Beach/Pinterest/ZenDesk)
- IT Mentor in ADA ITW (frontend study groups, and volunteer professional practices building websites for NGOs)
- IT Mentor in Argentina Programa
- Project Leader in Mujeres por la Industria (
- LinkedIn: mariaivanacroxcatto
open to freelance gigs ✨