There are the scripts for scientific article titled "Integrative analysis of gene expression and DNA methylation based on the previously existing one-class logistic regression machine learning approach identifies stemness features in medulloblastoma". The scripts are encoded using R. They can generate the result of figures and tables from the article.
R(, version >= 3.4) and R package as below:
- biomaRt
- caret
- cluster
- dplyr
- dplyr
- factoextra
- forestplot
- forestplot
- gdata
- gelnet
- GGally
- ggbeeswarm
- ggplot2
- ggplot2
- ggpubr
- ggpubr
- glmnet
- gridExtra
- limma
- NbClust
- openxlsx
- parallel
- survival
- survival
- survivalROC
- survivalROC
- survminer
- survminer
- survMisc
- synapseClient
- tableone
Please put the supplementary_append.Rdata and the *.R scripts in the same directory and change the workdir of R in the same directory.
Rscript <the R script>
load("<the R script>")