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Made Tech Frontend

A collection of components and resources for creating Made Tech branded sites and applications.

Quick start

You can get started by:

Read our Getting Started guide.


npm version

What's included?

Compiled and minified assets

We provide the following assets for ease of use. If you're using GitHub Pages, the easiest way to get started is copying the compiled assets into your project. If you'd prefer a "cleaner" way, investigate using the component library instead.

The CSS and JavaScript includes Bootstrap so there is no need to pull that in separately, though you will need to include jQuery.
└── dist/
    ├── css/
    │   ├── madetech-frontend.css
    │   ├──
    │   ├── madetech-frontend.min.css
    │   └──
    ├── fonts/
    │   ├── montserrat-bold.{eot,ttf,woff}
    │   ├── montserrat-reg.{eot,ttf,woff}
    │   └── poppins.{eot,ttf,woff}
    ├── images/
    │   ├── favicon.ico
    │   ├── made-tech-logo-blk.png
    │   ├── made-tech-logo-colour.png
    │   └── made-tech-logo-wht.png
    └── js/
        ├── madetech-frontend.js
        ├── madetech-frontend.min.js

You can download from our latest release.


Updating npm

Upon making changes to this repository, a new version will need to be published to npm.

Initially you will need to run npm login with credentials that have access to the @madetech packages.

Following this, you will need to use a Github API Key to run the following command: env GITHUB_TOKEN=xxxx npm run release -- minor (Follow these instructions if you need to generate a token from Github: Generating a personal access token)


Copyright © Made Tech 2020.