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feat: Great progress on the REPL
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aboeglin committed Jun 18, 2023
1 parent 983289d commit 5722353
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Showing 7 changed files with 229 additions and 47 deletions.
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions compiler/main/Driver/Rules.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -382,7 +382,11 @@ rules options (Rock.Writer (Rock.Writer query)) = case query of
case optTarget options of
TLLVM -> do
coreAst <- astToCore False monomorphicAST
let sortedAST = SortExpressions.sortASTExpressions coreAst

-- Only runs for the REPL
let coreAst' = SortExpressions.keepLastMainExpAndDeps coreAst

let sortedAST = SortExpressions.sortASTExpressions coreAst'
let renamedAst = Rename.renameAST sortedAST
reducedAst =
if optLevel > O1 then
Expand All @@ -405,7 +409,11 @@ rules options (Rock.Writer (Rock.Writer query)) = case query of

_ -> do
coreAst <- astToCore (optOptimized options) monomorphicAST
let renamedAst = Rename.renameAST coreAst

-- Only runs for the REPL
let coreAst' = SortExpressions.keepLastMainExpAndDeps coreAst

let renamedAst = Rename.renameAST coreAst'
reducedAst =
if optLevel > O1 then
SimplifyCalls.reduceAST renamedAst
Expand Down
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions compiler/main/Optimize/SortExpressions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ module Optimize.SortExpressions where
import AST.Core
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Graph
import Debug.Trace
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)

sortASTExpressions :: AST -> AST
Expand All @@ -15,12 +17,61 @@ sortASTExpressions ast =
in ast { aexps = sortedExps }

-- Used for the REPL
keepLastMainExpAndDeps :: AST -> AST
keepLastMainExpAndDeps ast =
if apath ast == Just "__REPL__.mad" then
let Typed qt area metadata (Assignment n (Typed qt' area' metadata' (Definition params body))) =
last $ aexps ast
in if length body > 1 then
let allLocalNames = Maybe.mapMaybe getExpName body
deps = buildDependenciesForMain 0 allLocalNames [] (init body)
(graph, findNode, findVertex) = graphFromEdges deps
(_, key, _) = last deps
Just lastVertex = findVertex key
reachedVertices = reachable graph lastVertex
reachedNodes = map findNode reachedVertices
newBody = concat $ map (\(exps, _, _) -> exps) reachedNodes
newBody' = filter (`elem` newBody) body
newBodyWithReturn = (trace ("localNames: " <> ppShow allLocalNames <> "\ndeps: " <> ppShow deps <> "\nreached: " <> ppShow reachedNodes) newBody') ++ [last body]
newMainFunction = Typed qt area metadata (Assignment n (Typed qt' area' metadata' (Definition params newBodyWithReturn)))
in ast { aexps = init (aexps ast) ++ [newMainFunction] }

buildDependenciesForAllExps :: [Exp] -> [([Exp], String, [String])]
buildDependenciesForAllExps exps =
let allLocalNames = Maybe.mapMaybe getExpName exps
in buildDependencies allLocalNames [] exps

buildDependenciesForMain :: Int -> [String] -> [Exp] -> [Exp] -> [([Exp], String, [String])]
buildDependenciesForMain expIndex localNames cachedExps exps = case exps of
e : es ->
case getExpName e of
Just n ->
let deps = buildDependencies' localNames n e
in (cachedExps ++ [e], n, deps) : buildDependenciesForMain (expIndex + 1) localNames [] es

Nothing ->
let expName = "exp__" <> show expIndex
deps = buildDependencies' localNames expName e
in (cachedExps ++ [e], expName, deps) : buildDependenciesForMain (expIndex + 1) localNames [] es
-- case getExpName e of
-- Just n ->
-- let deps = buildDependencies' localNames n e
-- in (cachedExps ++ [e], n, deps) : buildDependencies localNames [] es

-- Nothing ->
-- buildDependencies localNames (cachedExps ++ [e]) es

[] ->

buildDependencies :: [String] -> [Exp] -> [Exp] -> [([Exp], String, [String])]
buildDependencies localNames cachedExps exps = case exps of
e : es ->
Expand Down
198 changes: 153 additions & 45 deletions compiler/main/Run/Repl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,10 +30,17 @@ import System.IO.Silently
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import Control.Exception (try)
import System.Process
import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as Haskeline
import Control.Monad.Catch (handle)
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOException(IOError))
import Infer.Type
import Paths_madlib ( version )
import Data.Version ( showVersion )
-- import qualified System.Console.Haskeline.Prefs as HaskelinePrefs

-- TODO: consider this lib
-- Look into

type State = Driver.State CompilationError

Expand All @@ -57,9 +64,11 @@ options :: Options.Options
options =
{ Options.optEntrypoint = replModulePath
, Options.optTarget = TLLVM
, Options.optTarget = TNode
-- , Options.optTarget = TLLVM
, Options.optRootPath = "./"
, Options.optOutputPath = ".repl/run"
, Options.optOutputPath = ".repl/"
-- , Options.optOutputPath = ".repl/run"
, Options.optOptimized = False
, Options.optPathUtils = PathUtils.defaultPathUtils
, Options.optBundle = False
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,27 +101,12 @@ src a =
Src.Source emptyArea Src.TargetAll a

start :: IO ()
start = do
state <- Driver.initialState

-- load initial module and fill caches for external modules like IO
hSilence [stdout, stderr] $ runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune (Map.singleton replModulePath startCode) $ do
Rock.fetch $ Query.BuiltTarget replModulePath
loop state
return ()

addNewCode :: String -> String -> String
addNewCode newCode previousCode =
let previousLines = List.init $ lines previousCode
in unlines $ previousLines ++ [newCode, "}"]

read :: IO String
read = liftIO Prelude.getLine

addExpToAST :: Src.AST -> Src.Exp -> Src.AST
addExpToAST ast exp =
if Src.isTopLevelFunction exp then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,32 +155,50 @@ addLogToLastExp ast =

findType :: Slv.AST -> Maybe (Qual Type)
findType ast =
let (Slv.Typed _ _ (Slv.Assignment n (
Slv.Typed _ _ (Slv.Abs _ body)
))) = last $ Slv.aexps ast
in if length body > 1 then
case last $ init body of
Slv.Typed _ _ (Slv.App _ (Slv.Typed qt _ _) _) ->
Just qt

_ ->

shouldRun :: Src.AST -> Bool
shouldRun ast =
not (null $ Src.aexps ast) && not (Src.isTopLevelFunction (last (Src.aexps ast)))

evalMadlibExp :: State -> String -> IO String
evalMadlibExp state code = case parse code of
evalMadlibCode :: State -> String -> Haskeline.InputT IO CommandResult
evalMadlibCode state code = case parse code of
Right parsedNewCode -> do
(currentAST, _, _) <- runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune mempty $ do
(currentAST, _, _) <- liftIO $ runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune mempty $ do
Rock.fetch $ Query.ParsedAST replModulePath
let newAST = foldl addExpToAST currentAST (Src.aexps parsedNewCode)
let newASTWithImports = foldl addImportToAST newAST (Src.aimports parsedNewCode)
let newASTWithTypeDecls = foldl addTypeDeclToAST newASTWithImports (Src.atypedecls parsedNewCode)
let newASTWithLogAdded = addLogToLastExp newASTWithTypeDecls
let newCodeWithLogAdded = Format.astToSource 80 newASTWithLogAdded []
((typed, _), _, errs) <- runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune (Map.singleton replModulePath newCodeWithLogAdded) $ do
((typed, _), _, errs) <- liftIO $ runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune (Map.singleton replModulePath newCodeWithLogAdded) $ do
Rock.fetch $ Query.SolvedASTWithEnv replModulePath

formattedErrs <- forM errs $ simpleFormatError False
let maybeType = findType typed

formattedErrs <- liftIO $ forM errs $ simpleFormatError False
if null formattedErrs then do
-- TODO: compile & run the AST with the newly added __IO__.log call for the last exp of main

hSilence [stdout, stderr] $ runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune mempty $ do
liftIO $ hSilence [stdout, stderr] $ runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune mempty $ do
Rock.fetch $ Query.BuiltTarget replModulePath

runResult <- try $ readProcessWithExitCode ".repl/run" [] ""
runResult <- liftIO $ try $ readProcessWithExitCode "node" [".repl/__REPL__.mjs"] ""
let output = case (runResult :: Either IOError (ExitCode, String, String)) of
Right (_, result, _) | shouldRun parsedNewCode ->
Expand All @@ -196,20 +208,52 @@ evalMadlibExp state code = case parse code of

-- then reset to newAST
let newValidCode = Format.astToSource 80 newASTWithTypeDecls []
runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune (Map.singleton replModulePath newValidCode) $ do
Rock.fetch $ Query.SolvedASTWithEnv replModulePath
let resetValidCode = do
runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune (Map.singleton replModulePath newValidCode) $ do
Rock.fetch $ Query.ParsedAST replModulePath
return ()

let output' = List.dropWhileEnd Char.isSpace output
return output'

if null output' then
return $ Continue resetValidCode
return $ Output output' maybeType resetValidCode
else do
let previousCode = Format.astToSource 80 currentAST []
-- We need this to reset the code to the previous state
runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune (Map.singleton replModulePath previousCode) $ do
liftIO $ runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune (Map.singleton replModulePath previousCode) $ do
Rock.fetch $ Query.ParsedAST replModulePath
return $ List.intercalate "\n" formattedErrs
return $ ErrorResult $ List.intercalate "\n" formattedErrs

_ ->
return $ ErrorResult "Grammar error"

data CommandResult
= Exit
| CommandNotFound String
| Output String (Maybe (Qual Type)) (IO ())
| CommandResult String
| ErrorResult String
| Continue (IO ())

evalCmd :: String -> Haskeline.InputT IO CommandResult
evalCmd cmd = case cmd of
"exit" ->
return Exit

"help" ->
return $ CommandResult "help text TBD"

_ ->
return "Grammar error"
return $ CommandNotFound cmd

read :: Haskeline.InputT IO (Maybe String)
read = Haskeline.getInputLine "> "

-- should return a type other than String
Expand All @@ -219,24 +263,88 @@ evalMadlibExp state code = case parse code of
-- | EvaluatedCode String
-- | ImportedModule FilePath String
-- | TypeDefined ...
eval :: State -> String -> IO String
eval state code = do
evalMadlibExp state code
eval :: State -> String -> Haskeline.InputT IO CommandResult
eval state code =
case code of
':' : cmd ->
evalCmd cmd

_ ->
evalMadlibCode state code

print :: String -> IO ()
print "" = return ()
print result = do
putStrLn result

print :: CommandResult -> Haskeline.InputT IO ()
print result = case result of
Output output maybeType _ -> do
let output' = color Yellow output
let output'' = case maybeType of
Just (_ :=> t) ->
output' <> color Grey (" :: " <> prettyPrintType True t)

_ ->
liftIO $ putStrLn output''

ErrorResult err ->
liftIO $ putStrLn err

CommandResult toShow ->
liftIO $ putStrLn toShow

_ ->
return ()

loop :: State -> IO ()
loop state = do
putStr "> "
hFlush stdout

loop :: State -> Haskeline.InputT IO ()
loop state = do
-- code <- Haskeline.handleInterrupt (return (Just "")) (Haskeline.withInterrupt read)
code <- read
evaluated <- eval state code
print evaluated
case code of
Just "" ->
loop state

Just c -> do
evaluated <- eval state c
print evaluated
case evaluated of
Exit ->
return ()

Continue postAction -> do
liftIO postAction
loop state

Output _ _ postAction -> do
liftIO postAction
loop state

_ -> do
loop state

loop state
_ ->
return ()

introduction :: String
introduction =
[ color Grey "------ " <> (color Yellow ("Madlib@" <> showVersion version)) <> color Grey " -----------------------------------"
, "Welcome to the repl!"
, color Grey "The command :help will assist you"
, color Grey "The command :exit will exit the REPL"
, color Grey "--------------------------------------------------------"

start :: IO ()
start = do
state <- Driver.initialState

putStrLn introduction
-- load initial module and fill caches for external modules like IO
hSilence [stdout, stderr] $ liftIO $ runTask state options Driver.Don'tPrune (Map.singleton replModulePath startCode) $ do
Rock.fetch $ Query.BuiltTarget replModulePath

Haskeline.runInputT Haskeline.defaultSettings $ loop state
-- Haskeline.runInputT Haskeline.defaultSettings $ Haskeline.withInterrupt $ loop state
return ()

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