- manual image player is a few pixel of vs. the videoplayer, must be pixel prezise in future!
- make sure disk will never be overfilled with logs or tmp files
- play all video files random (modify the PIR script for this) there is a sketch
- add volume setting with store function
- move overlay into a seperate folder, update manual on this
implement gif player: https://github.com/chidea/FBpyGIF
make a cue loop function for dmx, e.g. ola_recorder --playback show01 --duration 30 --start 1000 --stop 10000 see here
Update Everything => check olad version, if not 0.10.7, update this as well.....
disable swap space, free performance
fading images, show next, scale via sliders and via dmx/midi/osc...coming.. pygame
setdmxblack = fadeout possible?
bluetooth features: connecting boombox, finish this, if somehow possible, already spent several days and nights
make the led to flash every 10s so we know its alive
power off button also closes browser tab
move, rotate, scale images interactive => I do this via dmx/artnet => png gobo player
when leaving VNC mode, presenter is not working correctly, fix this!
limit IP input to IP adresses only, no text etc. how do I do that??
when accessed over the internet, the ola panel is not visible, check how to handle ports with the remote, currently you can ask via mail for another port link..
playlist feature to play dmx/video01 and afterwards 02 and so on, tricky bit will be to gather the end of the file audio or dmx end counts?...
CP => remove set to 1 and make function to flip all OLA inputs to OLA outputs
OLA => is dmx thru working so we can see the show while recording?
parse dmx sequences from "cough from the garage" software to playback on PocketVJ (similar to mapping converter, can someone send me an exported file?)
audio equalizer and volume slider in CP
- Link How to mount the Expansion Board on Image kits to an actual tutorial
enable https:// and create a PWA link (kind of an app)
slideshow with different times of images depending on number in file-name (image_time5.png) of image
Add scripts to trigger content based on humidity/temperature
Add Buttons to trigger dmxshow together with videoplayer sync (already works with osc/scheduler, sync might cause a lot of webtraffic)
add wireless-power off to interfaces ?
play images and videos after each other, depending on filename or with an ofx timeline, do we really need that?
System alive ping, which sends out an email every 5 minutes to tell that beamer&pocketvj is alive, alarm function (do you really need that?)
AES67 Support, is it possible (https://github.com/dewiweb/ALSA-RAVENNA-AES67-Driver) Edit: Dante USB-dongles are supported
Add DMX in control commands to control mapper with DMX
Automount and connect to usb lte modems for remote internet, tricky since each brand is different
Complete authors file, will this ever happen, there are soooo many people involved
read color from video and create dmx fixture for it: https://github.com/MadSciLabs/ofxDmxUtils https://github.com/pixout/PixView https://github.com/hzeller/rpi-rgb-led-matrix
create a pyton script to send 'ola_set_dmx --universe 1 --dmx 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,' create a structure (fixture control) or fork from somewhere..
maybe this would also enable to capture running screen
Does ofx and omx play into framebuffer? screenshooters are all tooo slow, already tested
Integrate this script for more CPU infos in CP: https://gist.github.com/ecampidoglio/5009512#file-cpustatus-sh
heating beamercases with stressing the cpu
faster vnc: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2013-01/msg01388.html https://github.com/hanzelpeter/dispmanx_vnc
- Videotutorial for masking in mapper with black.jpg and also with the new paint mask function
- rewrite mapper section since mapping without mouse and over remote is working now!, also write how to manually change numbers in the .xml file to get faster results
- remote mapper with webcam, is this possible?, I guess yes, but need to try
- create list of OSC/midi commands for website (without code around it)
- Video tutorial for presenter, how to create a simple menu card of a restaurant
- Video tutorial for VNC/Linux/remote Mapping/Recording using VNC&hdmi recorder or screenrecorder
- how to fix a broken sd card tutorial
- hyperion led stripes video tutorial
- change webshop to an opensource variant, finish this!!
- create my own gitea server and mirror on github
- shall I stop this project and give up society? meaning freaking out and diving into a nature project somewhere..
by magdesign 2022