ZSH plugin to fuzzy search and navigate to recent directories.
It relies in the Zsh-z plugin for managing recent directories and FZF for fuzzy search, BOTH MUST BE INSTALLED. Results are shown sorted by the number of accesess to each directory.
This plugin is just an adapter, all credits go for authors of zsh-z and FZF for their amazing tools
Zsh-z plugin and FZF MUST BE INSTALLED
Depending on the plugin manager you use, add following to your .zshrc
file and source it.
Clone the repo into your custom plugins folder, usually at (~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/)
git clone https://github.com/magidc/fzf-z ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/fzf-z
to .zshrc plugins list, usually at (~/.zshrc)plugins=(... fzf-z)
zplug "magidc/fzf-z"
antigen bundle "magidc/fzf-z"
zgen load "magidc/fzf-z"
Source .zshrc file
source ~/.zshrc
Just type Alt+z to see the fuzzy search list with recently accessed directories