- ctpPOP is a Julia package of solving polynomial optimization problem (POP):
inf_{x in R^n} { f(x) : gi(x) >= 0, hj(x) = 0 },
with some special cases of inequality constraints gi:
Case 1: Annulus constraints on subsets of variables: Ui >= ||x(Ti)||^2 >= Li.
Case 2: Simlex constraints: xi >= 0, 1 - x1 -...- xn >= 0.
- The main idea of ctpPOP is to solve the Moment-SOS relaxation of the form:
v = inf_X { <C,X> : X is psd, AX = b },
which has constant trace property (CTP):
AX = b => trace(X) = a,
by using Conditional gradient-based augmented Lagrangian (CGAL) and Limited memory bundle method (LMBM).
Although possibly slower than the other method on the sparse POPs, ctpPOP is much more robust on the dense ones.
ctpPOP combines CTP with term sparity (TS), correlative sparsity (CS) and correlative sparsity-term sparsity (CS-TS) to avoid memory issue of the large-scale SDP relaxations for POPs.
ctpPOP has been implemented on a desktop compute with the following softwares:
- Ubuntu 18.04.4
- Julia 1.3.1
The following sofwares are used for comparison purposes:
Before installing ctpPOP, you should install TSSOS and PolyPowerModels with the following commands:
Pkg> add https://github.com/wangjie212/TSSOS
Pkg> add https://github.com/tweisser/PolyPowerModels.git
- To use ctpPOP in Julia, run
Pkg> add https://github.com/maihoanganh/ctpPOP.git
- LMBM is only supported on Ubuntu with Fortran 2018.
- A Windows version for ctpPOP, namely ctpPOP2, can be found in this link.
The following examples briefly guide to use ctpPOP:
Consider the following POP on the unit ball:
using DynamicPolynomials
@polyvar x[1:2] # variables
f=x[1]^2+0.5*x[1]*x[2]-0.25*x[2]^2+0.75*x[1]-0.3*x[2] # the objective polynomial to minimize
g=[1.0-sum(x.^2)] # the inequality constraints
h=[(x[1]-1.0)*x[2]] # the equality constraints
k=2 # relaxation order
using ctpPOP
# get information from the input data f,gi,hj
# get the optimal value of the Moment-SOS relaxation of order k
opt_val=ctpPOP.POP_dense_CGAL( n, # the number of variables
m, # the number of the inequality constraints
l, # the number of the equality constraints
lmon_g, # the number of terms in each inequality constraint
supp_g, # the support of each inequality constraint
coe_g, # the coefficients of each inequality constraint
lmon_h, # the number of terms in each equality constraint
supp_h, # the support of each equality constraint
coe_h, # the coefficients of each equality constraint
lmon_f, # the number of terms in the objective polynomial
supp_f, # the support of the objective polynomial
coe_f, # the coefficients of the objective polynomial
dg, # the degree of each inequality constraint
dh, # the degree of each equality constraint
maxit=Int64(1e6), # the maximal iteration of CGAL solver
tol=1e-3, # the tolerance of CGAL solver
use_eqcons_to_get_constant_trace=false, # use the equality constraints to get constant trace
check_tol_each_iter=true ) # check the tolerance at each iteration
See other examples in the link.
For more details, please refer to:
N. H. A. Mai, J.-B. Lasserre, V. Magron and J. Wang. Exploiting constant trace property in large-scale polynomial optimization, 2020. Forthcoming.
The following codes are to run the paper's benchmarks:
using ctpPOP
ctpPOP.test_dense_POP_ball(10,100,2,have_eqcons=false) # Table 4
ctpPOP.test_dense_POP_ball(10,70,2,have_eqcons=true) # Table 5
ctpPOP.test_dense_POP_annulus(10,90,2,have_eqcons=false) # Table 6
ctpPOP.test_dense_POP_annulus(10,70,2,have_eqcons=true) # Table 7
ctpPOP.test_dense_POP_box(10,70,2,have_eqcons=false) # Table 8
ctpPOP.test_dense_POP_box(10,50,2,have_eqcons=true) # Table 9
ctpPOP.test_dense_POP_simplex(10,50,2,have_eqcons=false) # Table 10
ctpPOP.test_dense_POP_simplex(10,70,2,have_eqcons=true) # Table 11
ctpPOP.test_comparison_dense_POP_ball(10,60,2,have_eqcons=true) # Table 12
ctpPOP.test_dense_nonQCQP_ball() #Table 13
ctpPOP.test_TS_POP_ball(10,80,2,1,have_eqcons=false) # Table 14
ctpPOP.test_TS_POP_ball(10,60,2,1,have_eqcons=true) # Table 15
ctpPOP.test_TS_POP_box(10,60,2,1,have_eqcons=false) # Table 16
ctpPOP.test_TS_POP_box(10,50,2,1,have_eqcons=true) # Table 17
ctpPOP.test_CS_POP_ball(1000,11,41,2,have_eqcons=false) # Table 18
ctpPOP.test_CS_POP_ball(1000,11,36,2,have_eqcons=true) # Table 19
ctpPOP.test_CS_POP_box(1000,11,26,2,have_eqcons=false) # Table 20
ctpPOP.test_CS_POP_box(1000,11,26,2,have_eqcons=true) # Table 21
ctpPOP.test_mix_POP_ball(1000,11,26,2,1,have_eqcons=false) # Table 22
ctpPOP.test_mix_POP_ball(1000,11,26,2,1,have_eqcons=true) # Table 23
ctpPOP.test_mix_POP_box(1000,11,26,2,1,have_eqcons=false) # Table 24
ctpPOP.test_mix_POP_box(1000,11,26,2,1,have_eqcons=true) # Table 25
# Comparison of CGAL and Mosek on the second order relaxation of classical OPF problem
using PowerModels
data = PowerModels.parse_file("/home/hoanganh/Desktop/math-topics/ctpPOP/codes/ctpPOP/ctpPOP/src/pglib_opf_case89_pegase__api.m")
# change another directory on your computer
# "pglib_opf_case89_pegase__api.m" is taken from https://github.com/power-grid-lib/pglib-opf/tree/master/api