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Script collection and custom prompt for various shells and architectures


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Shell script collection

Useful scripts for unix like systems mostly for developers


Install script

with wget:

wget -q -O- "" | bash -s -- -u

with curl:

curl -L -s -o- "" | bash -s -- -u

for silent install use -su parameter instad of -u

Upgrade / reinstall

just type:


List latest version

with wget:

wget -q -O- "" | bash -s -- -a

with curl:

curl -L -s -o- "" | bash -s -- -a

Using git repo

clone repository

git clone


source ~/scripts/


  • 1.7.27
    FZF ALT_C and COMPLETION_TRIGGER has been added
    zsh added complete aliases
    ffmpeg-to-stereo: improved imporved .vimrc and added config.nvim into rc files (link this directory to ~/.config/nvim)

  • 1.7.26
    python3 version for urlencode, urldecode, millis and nanos
    ffmpeg-to-stereo: added metadata support and additional parameters
    java: Added version 16 and 18, changed default to version 17
    darwin: Added psgrep, and initial version of reminders

  • 1.7.25
    Added macos battery logger script
    Added macos free command replacement (memory status)
    Added homebrew specific bash completion
    Added more JDK pattern to find appropriate version Added auto-clone for z
    Added Viscosity VPN control command line functions
    Removed directory restriction for jdk path to enable the use of symlinks
    zsh source order fix and other completion fixes

  • 1.7.24
    added uibuilder function to generate UIBuilder project
    ffmpeg utils stereo downmix fix
    added mkvMergeSub --no-conv parameter to skip subtitle UTF-8 conversion
    removed jdk 10 and 12 alias, added jdk 17

  • 1.7.23
    added lastX aliases

  • 1.7.22
    added GraalVM 21
    added zsh command line syntax highlighting

  • 1.7.21
    added fzf loading and default env variables

  • 1.7.20
    fixed mvn code completion indirect variable expansion shell incompatibility (bash supported ${!var} has been replaced to use eval instead of zsh supported ${(P)var})
    added mvn javadoc and source skip completion

  • 1.7.19
    zsh bindkey for bash style backward kill word for ctrl+e
    zsh added -u to compinit to ignore insecure directories (SHOULD BE FIXED INSTEAD)
    added airport alias for macos
    brew completion cache is disabled for other shell than bash
    pip completion fix

  • 1.7.18
    fix for java8 selection alias (graalvm was selected if it was present, instead of openjdk)
    history size has been set to unlimited for all shells
    bash-completion for mvn fix to be able to use in zsh as well

  • 1.7.17
    brew completion fix

  • 1.7.16
    added ij-config-hide-py-scientific-toolwindow function to hide py scientific toolwindow
    added brew bash completion cache (this makes the first command completion a lot faster)
    added to-monospace command, which is a script that creates a monospaced RTF version of the input parameter
    added GraalVM support (alias and home)
    added java_list alias to list currently installed JVMs

  • 1.7.15
    added git-merge-master function which will fetch with -p and run git merge origin/master
    added --no-sub option to the ffmpeg-to-stereo
    added adoptopenjdk support to the java version switcher

  • 1.7.14
    added mvn bash completion
    added ffmpeg-utils bash completion (ffmpeg-info ffmpeg-to-stereo mkvMergeSub)
    to-stereo renamed to ffmpeg-utils and added ffmpeg-info function
    added bash completion source directory usr/local/etc/bash_completion
    commented out default MAVEN_OPTS, use project specific .mvn/jvm.config and .mvn/maven.config instead

  • 1.7.13 shebang python version fix (python3) bugfix #8
    rc/inputrc now includes key binding to support alt+left/right in IntelliJ IDEA on mac os

  • 1.7.12
    bugfix #8 - cannot update bug - version number > 9
    added default env for docker-env and --clear attribute to remove env vars

  • 1.7.11
    added java (jdk) 11 support
    renamed mvn_gen_pom to mvn-gen-pom

  • 1.7.10
    fixed currency-exchange source URL changed to HTTPS only
    added ffmpeg-to-stereo function to generate dolby stereo video files from 5.1 or 7.1 channel, producing higher volume during speak and lower volume during action and music
    added mvn_gen_pom function to generate maven pom.xml template

  • 1.7.9
    added as alias for dupli (script to find and list duplicate files)
    added alternative ffmpeg parameteres (still in comment, not a real util)
    added backward-kill-word as ctrl+e

  • 1.7.8
    fixed java_home for 9 and 10, default java is now java 10

  • 1.7.7
    alias toUTF8 has been removed
    added git-pull function in
    function wildfly-pid has been optimized (implementation with awk)
    added format-number command to format numbers to humand readable form (and added into currency-exchange)
    added netinfo (macos only) command to query system network interface informations
    added unicode command to (download the list and) search for unicode symbol by keywords given as argumemts:
    ^- example: unicode black circle
    command mvn-search version now supports combined parameter by version request and for also for flags, like: mvn-search -1 v org.projectlombok:lombok or mvn-search -n1 s lombok

  • 1.7.6
    added mvn-search util script
    renamed mvnCleaner to mvn-cleaner

  • 1.7.5
    added dus function into (sorted du: du -sh "$@" | sort -h)
    added hr function into (prints a horizontal separator line)
    added currency-exchange util script

  • 1.7.4
    added pip command bash completion
    added and linked with functions: ipv6_mac_to_ipv6 and ipv6_ipv6_to_mac
    added set-session-title and unset-session-titel functions to set/unset SESSION_TITLE env var - prefix for terminal title
    added docker-storage-usage function for mac os docker replaces docker-qcow2-usage
    added docker-stats function which runs docker stats with formatting where container name is also included
    added run-in function in core, usage: run-in [-v] <directory> <all other arguments are the command to run with arguments>

  • 1.7.3
    gifenc and drafts
    netsh interface portproxy alias netsh-portproxy on cygwin - force en_US.UTF-8 - LANG and LC_ALL env vars

    • core:
      create-openssl-key-and-cert function added to (run without params for usage)
      create-openssl-dh function added to (run without params for usage)

    • darwin:
      dns-flush-cache function added to flush dns cache
      appBundleId function has been renamed to app-bundle-id

    • docker:
      docker-registry-mark-for-delete function added

  • 1.7.2
    commented out the line to source .profile in shellrc, causing an infinite loop

  • 1.7.1
    wildfly-pid fixed + also prints standalone
    grephash and grephashempty alias fix
    custom bash-completion removed in cygwin
    added millis() function to get current time in milliseconds
    added nanos() function to get current time in nanoseconds
    added backup() function to create a backup of a file in format: {original_file_name.original_file_ext.bck-YYYYMMDDHHmmss}

  • 1.7
    wildfly-pid "ps a" replaced to "ps ax"
    added conditional colorcat alias (if source-highlight command present)
    jcmd bash completion added
    added bashcompinit to zsh

  • 1.6.3
    idea command removed (can be created in IntelliJIDEA menu -> Tools -> Create Command-line Launcher)
    wildfly-pid function added to

  • 1.6.2
    mvnCleaner - count + fixes

  • 1.6.1
    Added mvnCleaner

  • 1.6
    Moved to github

  • 1.5.1
    Added oneliner -1 argument for jmeminfo

  • 1.5
    Added jmeminfo utility script to get the jvm memory usage

  • 1.4
    Added imgcat and imgls utility script for iTerm2
    Added jvisualvm-jboss function to easy start jvisualvm with the right classpath and module path for jboss/wildfly
    df alias fixed for apfs (macOS)

  • 1.3
    Java 9 support PATH support Java 8 installer renamed to MaxPermSize removed from the jdk installer, added MaxMetaspaceSize
    toUTF8 alias added (iconv iso8859-2 to utf-8)