Utility code for Android, in Scala. Contains:
- an HTTP client based on Scala 2.10 Futures
- in-app purchasing helpers for Google and Amazon
- a WebSocket client that speaks JSON
- miscellaneous Scala code to reduce the verbosity of Java
Add lib/in-app-purchasing-1.0.3.jar
as a dependency to your project.
If you use SBT, add the following settings to your project:
def utilAndroidSettings = Seq(
libraryDependencies += "com.github.malliina" %% "util-android" % "0.1.2",
proguardOptions in Android ++= Seq(
"-dontwarn com.amazon.**,org.w3c.**",
"-keep class com.amazon.** {*;}",
"-keepattributes *Annotation*",
apkbuildExcludes in Android ++= Seq("LICENSE.txt", "NOTICE.txt", "LICENSE", "NOTICE").map(file => s"META-INF/$file")