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📦🚀 @aotu/fs

Useful file system utilities.

Build Status Codacy Badge Coverage Status NPM Version Badge semantic-release

✅ An experimental project applying several cool stuffs, a boilerplate for writing new NPM packages.

✓ Auto-release with semantic-release

✓ Fast Unit Tests with ava

✓ Coverage with nyc

✓ Automated Code reviews with codacy

✓ Elegant documents via jsdoc-to-markdown along with gitbook

✓ Scoped NPM package

✓ Publish gh-pages automatically via travis-ci

✓ Semantic git commits via semantic-git-commit-cli

Unit Tests

npm test
// Or the watching mode
npm run test1


  1. Write a debug file at test/debugs/your.debug.js
  2. Run the debug command
node --inspect-brk test/debugs/your.debug.js
  1. Open the Chrome inspector interface

You will see the files listed for inspcecting.

  1. Add the fs folder to the chrome-devtools's workspace


The documents are generated by jsdoc(jsdoc-to-markdown) along with gitbook(gitbook-cli) following this guide.

  1. Initial build
npm run docs
  1. Incremental build
npm run docs:build
  1. Watching Mode
npm run docs:serve
  1. Clean the generated docs
npm run docs:clean


The module will be released automatically by semantic-release