A collection of scripts to have GridPane Slack Notifications go to Email
- Able to process GridPane slack webhook POST's
- Can use more than one transactional email API's, no SMTP support at this time.
- Generates a log that rolls 30 days (maybe)
- Allow for specifying multiple emails.
The following are solutions to get GridPane Slack Notications to go to Emails
The easiest solution would be to use a Cloudflare worker, since it can be deployed with point and click. Here are some resource.s
- Sending email with Cloudflare Workers - https://blog.cloudflare.com/sending-email-from-workers-with-mailchannels/
- Using the Postmark API - https://postmarkapp.com/developer/api/email-api
Selfhost a PHP script, locate a PHP library or framework that supports multiple transactional email services.
The following providers will be supported. Create an issue if you want a provider to be supported.