Pulls down the latest ManageIQ code, builds the code, installs the dependencies, and then starts the evm processes.
Tested on RHEL 6.5 and CentOS 6.5. Should work on any Red Hat family distributions.
- git
- yum
- yum-epel
- iptables
- postgresql
- database
- xml
- ntp
- memcached
######Attributes specifically for ManageIQ
- Username for the ManageIQ database user (default: "evm")default['manageiq']['db_password']
- password for the ManageIQ database userdefault['manageiq']['code_repo']
- GIT Repo URL used to build the server
######Attributes for the RVM cookbook
- Username for the user who is building and running the ManageIQ processes
######Attributes for the PostgreSQL Database
- Set the root password for the database (default: sets to the manageiq/db_password)default["postgresql"]["pg_hba"]
- Configures the pg_hba file to allow incoming connectionsdefault["postgresql"]["config"]["port"]
- Database Port (default: 5432)default["postgresql"]["host"]
- Host Information (default:['postgresql']['config']['listen_addresses']
- Listen Addresses for the database (default: "*")
Simply add role[manageiq]
to a run list.
This section details "quick deployment" steps.
Clone this repository from GitHub:
$ git clone git@github.com:booz-allen-hamilton/chef-manageiq.git
Change directory to the repo folder
$ cd chef-manageiq
Create a solo.rb file
$ vim solo.rb file_cache_path "/root/chef-repo" cookbook_path "/root/chef-repo/cookbooks"
Install dependencies:
Download the dependent cookbooks from Chef Supermarket
Install Chef Client
$ curl -L https://www.opscode.com/chef/install.sh | sudo bash
Run Chef-solo:
$ chef-solo -c solo.rb -j roles/manageiq.json
- Author:: Chris Kacerguis
- Author:: Mandeep Bal
Copyright:: 2014, Booz Allen Hamilton
For more information on the license, please refer to the LICENSE.txt file in the repo