A collection of handy resources for understanding font performance on the web.
- Webpage test
- wakamaifondue.com, Roel Nieskens
- INP Debugger
- Text Lab CSS Stats for Font & Text Properties, Mandy Michael
- Slice Tools
- Webfont Analyzer, Paul Calvano
- Glyphhanger, Zach Leatherman
- Font Size Adjust Aspect Ratio Calculator, Richard Rutter
- Perfect-ish Font Fallback, Malte Ubl
- CSS size-adjust Tester, Mandy Michael
- Gaining Security and Privacy by partioning the cache, Google
- Shared cache is going away, Jeff Kaufman
- Cache partitioning in Firefox and Chrome, Peak Hour
- subsetting.xyz
- Unicode rande interchange, Zach Leatherman
- Webfont Analyzer, Paul Calvano
- Glyphhanger, Zach Leatherman
- Incremental Font Transfer W3C Working Draft
- Progressive Font Enrichment: reinventing web font performance, Jason Pamental
- Incremental Font Transfer Demo, Garret Rieger
- Automatic font matching for minimal CLS tool, Malte Ubl
- Font style matcher, Monica Dinculescu
- Font Best Practices, Katie Hempenius & Barry Pollard
- crossorigin=”anonymous”, Jones
- Font Size Adjust Aspect Ratio Calculator, Richard Rutter
- TextLab.dev Tools CSS size-adjust Tester, Mandy Michael
- Codepen version of size-adjust testing tool, Mandy Michael
- x-height tool, Bruno Fassino
- CSS size-adjust for @font-face, Adam Argyle
- Estimating the x-height of a font, Jukka “Yucca” Korpela
- CanIUse font-size-adjust
- CanIUse size-adjust