The goal of this repository is to create jupyter notebooks with toy examples of some of the use cases of the business problems I have worked in my data science career. It contains:
(Currently building the repository)
- Time series Statistical Learning approach to predict future water consumption (ARIMA).
- Time series Machine Learning approach to predict future water consumption (Prophet).
- Time series Deep Learning approach to predict future water consumption (LSTM).
- -- DONE -- Supervised Statistical Learning approach to predict the probability of churn of each client (Logistic regression).
- -- DONE -- Supervised Machine Learning approach to predict the probability of churn of each client (Boosting Trees).
- Statistical Learning approach to measure the averaged profit of a given customer (BG/NBD Gamma-Gamma).
- Unsupervised Machine Learning approach to perform clients segmentation (Hierarquical clustering).
- -- DONE -- Unsupervised Machine Learning approach to perform (RFM) clients segmentation (k-means clustering).
- -- DONE -- Supervised Machine Learning approach to detect fraud on clients consumption (Boosting Trees).
- -- DONE -- Unsupervised Machine Learning approach to detect fraud on clients consumption (DBScan Clustering).
- -- DONE -- Unsupervised Deep Learning approach to detect fraud on clients card transactions (Autoencoders).
- In process...
- Time series Statistical Learning approach to predict future sales (ARIMA).
- Time series Machine Learning approach to predict future sales (Prophet).
- NLP Supervised Statistical Learning approach to classify tweets sentiment (Naïve Bayes).
- NLP Unsupervised Statistical Learning approach to detect topics in a set of documents (Latent Dirichlet Allocation).