Simple Scrum Pointing Poker online, built on top of Phoenix Framework. Available at
- Quick joining, just send a link to your teammates
- Dark more (and light mode if that's your preference)
- Usable UI on mobile
- Multiple decks of cards to choose from: Standard and Time estimate, but you can also set your own!
Project requires Exlixir and NPM installed. To run locally:
- Go into api folder
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Install Node.js dependencies with
cd assets && npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
The backend should now be running on localhost:4000
- Go into ui folder
- Install dependencies with
npm install
- Install Node.js dependencies with
npm run dev
You can acceess UI on localhost:3000
Example script to build and deploy both images (needs to be converted into Docker Compose)
ADMIN_PASSWORD="iTQ5Ktuzk9M6RH" SECRET_KEY_BASE=mOXF+3jhvNUidpFCzhj72hEmVTB5dl8gNAqJGb8vtVO4h62ak8T/cHvVOKqUPPUF docker build --build-arg SECRET_KEY_BASE --build-arg ADMIN_PASSWORD -t marcindawidziuk/scrumpoker-staging .
docker stop ScrumPoker-staging
docker rm ScrumPoker-staging
cd api
docker run --env SECRET_KEY_BASE=nOXF+3jhvNUidpFCzhj72hEmVTB5dl8gNAqJGb8vtVO4h62ak8T/cHvVOKqUPPUF --publish 3402:4000 --detach --restart=always --name ScrumPoker-staging marcindawidziuk/scrumpoker-staging:latest
cd ../ui
# Nuxt embedds configuration at build-time
docker build --build-arg WEBSOCKET_URL=ws:// -t marcindawidziuk/scrumpoker-ui-staging .
docker stop ScrumPoker-ui-staging
docker rm ScrumPoker-ui-staging
docker run --publish 8081:3000 --detach --restart=always --name ScrumPoker-ui-staging marcindawidziuk/scrumpoker-ui-staging:latest
For SSL I recommend running it through Ngnix reverse proxy.