This repository contains interesting ideas but has been replaced by wand, a project that carries the good ideas here.
If it is useful to you, fork it and continue development, it is kept here while I have software that depends on this repository.
An es6 module javascript query string parser and builder
I needed an es6 module query string parser, but it need to be very simple and powerful.
There is only one function and you can transform objects in query string, query string in object, make merges and projections.
import query from ''
query({a: 5, b: 'dog'}) //a=5&b=dog
query('a=5&b=dog') //{a: '5', b: 'dog'}
query({a: 5, b: 'dog'}, {b: 'cat'}) //{a: 5, b: 'cat'}
query({a: 5, b: 'dog'}, 'a=7&c=x') //{a: '7', b: 'dog', c: 'x'}
query({a: 5, b: 'dog'}, {b: null}) //{a: 5}
query('a=5&b=dog', {b: 'cat'}) //a=5&b=cat
query('a=5&b=dog', 'a=7&c=x') //a=7&b=dog&c=x
query('a=5&b=dog', {b: null}) //a=5
query('a=5&b=dog&c=cat&d=4', ['b', 'd']) //b=dog&d=4
{d: 3},
['a', 'b', 'd']
) //a=5&b=ball&d=3
{a: 5, b: 'dog', c: 'cat', d: 4},
['b', 'd']
) //{b: 'dog', d: 4}
a: {
b: {
c: 'ball',
d: ['john', 'mary']
}) //a.b.c=ball&a.b.d%5B%5D=john&a.b.d%5B%5D=mary
// a: {
// b: {
// c: 'ball',
// d: ['john', 'mary']
// }
// }
Yes please! It is a very simple project with a single file, no guidelines, any contribution is greatly appreciated!