A server to unfurl GitLab links from Slack.
Unfurling is the term Slack uses for displaying crawled data from a link under the message.
I created this server because Slack couldn't unfurl links from private GitLab repositories. For example when me and my team sends links to merge requests, we would just see the Sign In page as the unfurled data. With this solution, it will render information about the merge request.
Genereate a personal access token from your Gitlab account.
First of all you'll need to create a Slack bot and install it on a Workspace. Obtain the Bot User OAuth Access Token.
Make sure to set the Bot Token Scopes to links:read
and links:write
Go to Event Subscriptions and enable it, then enter the request URL. The url should be something like: http(s)://<your-domain>/unfurl
. The important part is the /unfurl
path. This is where all events and Slack's challenge request ends up. This will not work unless server is started. See Start the server
Scroll down to Subscribe to events on behalf of users and add the scope
Finally, on the same page, under App unfurl domains add the domains the events should happen on. E.g gitlab.com
GITLAB_URL - Full url to your Gitlab instance. E.g https://gitlab.com
PORT - What port the server should run on.
The server can be most easily started by running the Docker image.
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 \
-e GITLAB_TOKEN=<your token> \
-e GITLAB_URL=<url to your gitlab instance>
-e SLACK_OAUTH_TOKEN=<slack bot oauth token> \
-e PORT=5000 \
Can show the following if information exists:
- Title
- Description
- Author
- Milestone
- Merge status
- Assignee
- Pipeline status
- Jira issues found in description text
Can show the following if information exists:
- ID with a link to the pipeline
- Status
- User that started the pipeline
- Branch
Breaking changes! GITLAB_GRAPHQL_URL environment variable has been replaced with GITLAB_URL. You will now only need to pass the url to your Gitlab instance.