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The most efficient PR notifications for Slack ⚡️

PullNotifier's simple app allows teams to view pull request statuses on Slack without getting spammed with notifications. Our aim is to simplify PR notifications and our app improves a tiny piece of your team's workflow but its impact and significance are profound!

--- Features ---

😌 Effortless PR Tracking - Easily identify PRs that have not been checked yet, so you can stay on top of your code reviews effortlessly.
⚡️ Realtime PR status - PullNotifier updates your Slack messages with the latest PR status, no spam, no fuss.
👨‍💻 Repository -> Slack channel mapping - Your repositories can notify to different slack channels, perfect for teams working on different things!
🔒 Simply Secure - We do not have access to your code and we don't have access to your slack messages.
💸 Save time and money - Creating what we've already built in-house would cost you a huge amount of $$$ in DevOps salary.
🤷🏽‍♂️ It just makes sense - If you are using Github and Slack, there's no reason not to use PullNotifier.

PullNotifier screenshot

Pricing and setup

PullNotifier logo preview


Perfect for anyone using Github and Slack

Next: Confirm your installation location.

PullNotifier is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation.